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Posts posted by Xfeg

  1. Typically the prices are set by nintendo and dont vary. most places will occasionally give away a gift card or a game or case or whatnot with it. Your best bet is that $10 thing you mentioned or a place that sells refurbished ones. And even then theyre not that much cheaper... but maybe some gottadealer has some better news for you!
  2. No one loves comcast. I have never heard anything positive about them. One of DirecTVs call centers is here, okay actually Moore, OK, and the people that work there.... most of them dont care at all. I work in a call center but that one.... ive heard the worst stories. I have Dish. I think the most I have ever had to call about an issue is twice. Theyre very cooperative and really willing to fix things. I have arbitrary five dollar credits on my bills because I dont understand things and they credit me. I had a problem with the satellite once and was told that it would be $50 to have it fixed. I told them that it was their satellite and they needed to fix it and they waived the fee and prorated my bill. i did have to call them back so that they could have a time frame though. I have cox cable internet and att dsl right now. Ive had att since friday. no bills yet... but DH loves it. No more "what are you doing on the internet?" -"gottadeal thats already loaded" -"oh, well the connection just dropped"! Cox is expensive. ATT.... is cheaper. That's really all i have to say about them so far.
  3. i have idsh and ive been pretty happy with them. i have to watch my bill and call them occaisionally (they bill weird when you have arbitrary discounts). they wound up being cheaper and they gave me all my equipment and installed it without any fees. one time one of the googly eyes on the satellite (of course the one that does all the good channels) broke. they wanted me to pay fifty to fix it. i told them it was their equipment and they should pay it. they sent out a guy to fix/replace it for free. then i called them back to get my account prorated (they had to have a date it was restored). they even took my word (okay there was record with them too) of how long the service was out. i always have service unless it is raining bad enough that i feel i shouldnt have my nice tv on or if there is snow on the dish. they take a little bit of effort and i still dont understand their billing. i know i pay what i do each month, random discounts i whined about are added, i dont pay rental fees, and i have no contract.
  4. That wasn't the incredible deal that it sounds like though... As I recall, Sirius would only change your radio ID twice beyond the first unit. So, it was an offer for the "lifetime" of three Sirius radio units. They don't even offer that deal anymore.

    They did last Christmas (not 07) when I got it for DH. You can switch receivers if you want but there is a $75 fee to do so. Pretty soon it will be "free" [500/12.95=38.61=3.2years].

  5. I've ordered business cards, ink stamps and business card magnets from them. I've only ordered when the items were free though.


    Never had to deal with customer service as I've never had a problem with any of my orders.

    The shipping time was reasonable.

    The quality was exceptional.

    I agree. If you buy some stuff that isn't free it makes shipping cheaper.

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