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Posts posted by Tigger97498

  1. Then we'll just wait for the discounts on the newer A3 model like the Sears $169 BF deal. :)

    Yep I was hoping to get one sooner so I could concentrate on getting a new HDTV on BF (rather than having to be first at Sears) but it looks like that wont be the case. Oh welll at least Sears opens an hour before Target and im assuming Office Depot. Still holding out hope that after mom drops me off at work at 8 tommorow that she will be able to get to walmart before they sell out (provided their shipment comes in tonight).

  2. The dvd player is now gone from the Best Buy website. I called their number they have for help with the website. The guy I talked to said they wont be putting it back on the site because theyve discontinued it. Sears has it for a price you can only see if you add it to your cart but its out of stock until next Thursday. The A2 is sounding like its going to be one of those hard to get items this christmas.
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