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About mrs.winter

  • Birthday 12/06/1974
  1. I'm here ! And I can't wait !
  2. I would love to say St.Louis Missouri but with all the riots and stuff going on I really don't know !
  3. I LOVE the excitement in the air!! The rush around you!!
  4. The weekend before Thanksgiving! I think if it warms up here in Missouri I am going to put my light up next weekend to get it done !
  5. 1 month from today !! I am getting so excited!!!
  6. Ok which is better the Kindle Fire or Velocity® Micro Cruz™ T-301? And who has which one on sale??
  7. I use a cross body purse that way everything is in the front of me so I dont lose a thing!!
  8. I really like the long sleeved shirt or hooded sweatshirt idea as seem to be cold here on BlackFriday!!! Would love a gottadeal window decal!
  9. I LOVE it! As a child my grandmother always had and we would drink it together!! My son loves eggnog shakes!!!
  10. I love everything about black Friday and hanging out with my girlie friends!!!
  11. pumpkin dip 1 large can of pumpkin (30 oz) 2 bricks of cream cheese 4 cups of powdered sugar 2 tsp cinnamon 2 tsp Ginger whip together ; serve with vanilla wafer Graham crackers or Ginger snaps !
  12. I put up our tree the weekend before Thanksgiving just because it is my dd birthday on the 21st and it has Always been up for her!!! The outside of the house I decorate the 2nd weekend of November just because it usually warmer then!!!
  13. this is really sad to say but between my mother and I we had 165 rolls until her basement flooded this summer some of those rolls dated back to my sons first Christmas 17 Years ago!!!
  14. 128 days left!!!! I am so excited!!!!
  15. Same here....I will go to any of them!!!
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