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Posts posted by JollyGG

  1. this is what i do, i also supliment with target or kohls sometimes.

    but the buying ahead saves me.... i've got all of her clothes for next summer and some for next winter already. almost all at least 75 % off.

    love gymboree, but i have a hard time justifying the price.

    I wish I could buy ahead but mine just grow so fast I never know if I should buy one size larger or two sizes larger to get something at the appropriate season.

  2. Until around age five I usually buy stuff at Walmart or garage sales. I do like stuff at Children's Place. Sometimes Sears or JCPenny. My kids just outgrow them so fast that it is silly to spend too much money, plus they are too young to care about the label. Now that my oldest is 5 he is wearing his jeans out and getting holes in the knees. I am starting to buy his clothes from either Shopko or Sears with the KidVantage program. Because they will replace with the same size and style if they wear out. Usually Sears because my kids need slims and Sears has a pretty good selection of those. As they enter the ages where they care about the labels we will probably start shopping for some pieces out of trendier stores.
  3. For the first time this year we each have opened our own checking accounts. $30 a pay period goes into our own account. That money can be used for whatever you want. As long you you use your own account you can get the other person whatever you want and can afford.


    In past years we have set a dollar amount. Other years we have made it a rule that you had to get the other person something practical.

  4. We are the family that can't make it home every Christmas. My brothers and their wives go to my parent's place every year but my family can't always make it. We all have web cameras and we join each other every year to open presents. That way we get to see everyone open the gifts we picked out and they get to watch us open ours. The listing of gifts is a tradition our family has always had. We would all rather watch the others open our gifts then get to work on our own. So we all open gifts then we go around in a circle and show off our gifts and say who it is from. So at the very least (if we are at the in laws with no high speed internet) we call each other and every person lists what they got under the tree and who it was from.
  5. That is the two places I have tried. They worked for a while with the 2T but the adjustable waist on the 3T (I need the lengh so need to move up) pulled all the way, are still are too big. Thank you for trying. She is wearing dresses or pants with no buttons, the cotton stretchy kind. Jeans are not easy to find for her.

    Thanks again.

    Try jumping way up to the little girls section instead of the toddler section. Many kids are still kinda chunky through the toddler years and slim down as they get a little older so toddler sizes tend to have a little more room int he waist and butt. Also some kids in the 3T and 4T sizes are still in diapers so I feel the T sizes are cut just a little roomier to accomidate that as well. Or so it seemed to me. Try the XS in the girls section or see if the 4 slims in the girls section work.


    You may have to roll up the cuffs, but that's better than them falling down her butt.

  6. On a related question.


    I can find my son slim jeans with alot of looking. Then I ususally still have to cinch in the adjuster. But where can I find slim dress slacks. My son is outgrowing his 6 slims and now needs 7 slims. He needs some new dress slacks for easter and my brother's wedding. The 6 slims were a rare garage sale find so I don't even know where they came from.

  7. My husband laughs at me because even though the kids are too little to really worry about counting presents (4YO and 18months) it still drives me batty if they aren't even. They have both the same number of presents and approximately the same amount of money spent.


    Of course my kids live to fight over their toys so esentially they are getting the same things, just the age appropriate version of it. Each getting jammies, each getting a leap pad, each getting books for the leappad, each gets a movie. When I don't get them the same things it is equivilent in value. So while DD gets block DS get stars for his cealing and while DD gets a second pair of jammies DS gets a puzzle.


    However, Santa doesn't worry about matching the cost of the present he brings. He only brings one and it is whatever I he think the child would most enjoy.

  8. I feel like I've gone overboard at six each for my kids. Plus one from their sibling (I paid for It so I'm counting it), plus one toy each from santa. So 8 total toys each.


    My two are the only grandkids anyone actually see's on either side (brother's fiance has two but they live with their dad and we rarely ever see them). My kids normally get some much from grandparents and aunts and uncles that I try to keep their gifts to one fun/toy and the rest practical gifts like sleepers, shoes, ect. However, I didn't do very well on that this year.


    My DS4 got pajamas, read and write leap pad, leap pad books, glow in the dark stars, movie - night at the museum, and a puzzle. Little sister got him the Thomas the train aquarium cars. Santa got him transformers.

    My DD18months got pajamas, little leap pad, leap pad books, blocks, movie - shreck the third, and another pair of jammies. Big brother got her a winnie the pooh bath toy. Santa got her the little people bus.


    The one I probably went the most overboard with is hubby. He was only supposed to get one gift from me but so far he has a headset, the Monty Python movie set, a beer making kit, a root beer making kit and I am trying to decide if I can get him the hard drive he wants or not. Santa is getting us a programmable thermastat.

  9. Do you want me to send you a link that explains the incredible lack of jobs in my town? Maybe where you live and when you were in college things were different. But don't tell ME "bull". I was unemployed for 4 months before I got the job I'm at right now. I was desperate and willing to work ANYWHERE and I STILL couldn't find anything.


    Oh and btw, more than half the things you listed in your last paragraph deal with customer service. Not to mention the fact that you held at least 8 different jobs while you were in college. Obviously there's something wrong with this situation. Nice try.

    Or I worked two jobs at home during the summer and one or two jobs during the summester each year. Four years of college and paid for it myself involves a number of different positions. Freshman year - lifeguarding over summer, work study during summester. Sophmore year - drove truck over the summer, during school year worked as a receptionist. Junior year - drove truck over the summer and asst. manager at rec center. Senior year - two nurses aid jobs over the summer (found out that nursing home work wasn't for me so moved to hospital), also did internship in clinic, and worked as a waitress, during summester continued work at hospital, also taught CPR for the rec. department at the school.


    All people are telling you is if you hate your job and you hate your customers find something new.

  10. It's good to hear that you worked in a nursing room through college. But like I said, it's not possible where I live. And I don't know how old you are or how long ago you went to college but the economy isn't that great compared to how it was just a few years ago.

    Bull. Nursing homes are everywhere and usually understaffed. Are you saying there isn't a single old person or health care service anywhere in your whole region. Let's see in college I drove truck, was a nurses aid (hospital and nursing home), worked work study on campus, lifeguarded, was an assistan manager at a rec. center, taught CPR, waitressed, and was a receptionist at various points. All of this in a teeny tiny college town.


    I also currently do research in a college environment. I have seen students work in reseach labs, waitress, teach dance, work retail, work fast food, work for a oil change place, work as a secratary, work in manufacturing, work at a call center, plus do all the things I did in college.

  11. I am 6'0 and have a 36 inch inseam. Don't even try bothering with juniors. You will need to go with womens and will probably need to order online.

    JCPenny online has a good selection of talls and ultra talls, eddie bauer has tall jeans in store. Otherwise you could try tall specialty stores online or mens jeans. I like Levi 550 mens jeans. They fit even though I am curvy.


    I've only gotten curvier throught the years so am trying to remember which stores would carry a size 6.


    This site should help direct you to some other stores.



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