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Everything posted by JollyGG

  1. My sister in law submitted a photograph she took for a scholarship contest. Take a look and if you think it's good please vote for her picture. Here
  2. I'm still waiting for the cell phone I got off of ebay for my hubby. Very anoyed and at the point of telling them to keep the phone and refund my money. They still haven't even shipped the dumb thing.
  3. JollyGG

    Imposing MIL

    It sounds to me like the one you should be upset with is DH more than with MIL. It doesn’t sound like she really enjoys the visits much more than you enjoy having her along. You description of her behaviors sounds to me like someone who feels out of place and uncomfortable making small talk with people she doesn’t know. It sounds to me like she doesn’t know quite what to say to people because she doesn’t really know them so she ends up telling stories about people they don't know. It sounds like she tries to monopolize you and your son’s attention not because she wants to take it away from anyone else but because she wants to talk to someone she actually knows. You post makes it sound like she tried to gracefully get out of it but that your DH insisted she join you. I’d sit down with MIL and talk to her about the current plans and your original plans. It could very well be that she would also prefer a quite holiday at home or with friends and small day with you and your son on Christmas day. Maybe after speaking to her you two can go talk to DH together and let him know what you want to do. Then maybe give her family who lives further away a call to talk about paying for part of a trip for MIL to see them for christmas next year. It could be your christmas present to her that year.
  4. http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?PID=7680463&style=music&frm=frooglemusic http://www.tower.com/not-too-young-clique-girlz-cd/wapi/112120747
  5. The only two I am missing are Barney and the Wiggles. If my son didn't still love playing with the thing I'd be really tempted to sell his Thomas the Tank Engine smart key for $60.
  6. I bought this for my son (four at the time now five) for Christmas last year. He still plays it and really enjoys it.
  7. I have the Bissel Pet Hair eraser and it works great.
  8. I would highly recommend your local humane society. Ours always has so many cats and kittens. We got our dog from our local humane society. She was spayed, micro chipped, and vaccinated. They also did temperament testing to help recommend the ideal family for their pets. We also got a free vet visit and a decrease on the cost of obedience training. We love our Maggie May and have been back to the humane society several times looking for a second dog. We always look longingly at the cat room. It is so full of cats and we wish we could take one or two home. But my husband is highly allergic to cats. Ours occasionally have a buy one get one free deal because they have so many they are trying to place.
  9. I have to say that the majority of money I spent on black Friday was on clothes for the kids. I spent $80 at Sears with all their kids clothes marked at 60% off. Plus got a great deal on pjs at children's place. also got the kids some bedding they needed. I probably only spent $30 on actual gift stuff that day.
  10. JollyGG

    Teacher Gifts

    What do you do for your daycare provider for Christmas? A good friend of mine who is a stay-at-home mom watches my 2 year old DD and she also watches my 5 year old DS when he doesn't have school. I have heard everything from a nice handwritten note to a full week or two of pay from others. What do you get for you daycare provider? We just switched to my friend watching my daughter and she doesn't except payment for days that she doesn't watch my child. Most daycare providers I have had require payment if my child is there or not (some have a set number of free and vacation days). Well since my in-laws will be taking the children for the week between Christmas and new years I won't have to pay her that week. I plan to pay her what I would have paid for that weeks care as a Christmas bonus. Now I just have to figure out how to get her to accept it. But I'm just curious what everyone else does.
  11. I have a seasonal job at TRU and our store saw twice the projected sales on the day after Thanksgiving. It was crazy. I worked Friday evening (had to shop in the morning) and Saturday morning and there was barely anything left on the shelves.
  12. I got kids clothes 60% off at Sears - 2 pairs of jeans for DS, 2 jumpers for DD, Christmas dress for DD, Christmas suit for DS. I got a shop vac for my brother. I got a great deal on PJs for both kids at Chilren's Place (on sale for $10, 20% off before 11, plus a 15% off cupon - spent $12 for both pairs of fleece jammies). I got some mini multi tools as stocking suffers at Home Depot but was very bummed to find them out of the grinder I wanted for my FIL (It wasn't even a door buster). I'll check for the grinder again tomorrow when I go buy my Christmas tree. Maybe they'll have a few people have changed their minds on. Menards was out of both the childrens play mat, and the gun case I wanted. But I did get a couple of matching comforters for DS's bunk beds. Walmart didn't have DD's size in the robe I wanted. But I got slippers for both kids and some movies. Walgreen's was out of the pet bed I wanted so I got one at ACE instead. I got the heated mattress pad I wanted for DD at Shopko. I didn't head out for store openings this morning because nothing I wanted was that great and most of it wasn't even a door buster. I didn't head out until about a quarter to 7. So it's not surprising I missed a few deals. Now I'm at work.
  13. My daughter is 2 1/2 she will be getting "My First Dollhouse"(from Santa) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PpHutq3PL._AA260_.jpg She will also be getting the 25 anniversary cabbage patch doll from Walmarts black friday ad (from grandma) and I'll be getting her "Sleeping Beauty" from TRUs black friday ad(From Mom and Dad).
  14. We buy the actual trains but the track came from target. It works great and I got a huge set one christmas for something like $15.
  15. Hmmm. Anyone think they will have tide on sale even if it's not in their ad? My SIL was such a brat about the computer she got for her high school graduation (no thank you, complained about the color, etc.) that we are planning on getting her laundry detergent for Christmas. If you don't appreciate the luxuries in life then you won't be receiving them. I already picked up some laundry bags at the dollar store, we plan to get a laundry basket, some dryer sheets, a stain stick, and the detergent, maybe some frebreeze. What college student doesn't need laundry supplies? I was planning to pick up the Tide at Walgreen's BF sale. Well maybe she won't get as much other stuff in her laundry basket if I have to pay full price for the tide. Or maybe I'll have to get her generic laundry soap.
  16. I like the baking idea. You could also go for something personalized but inexpensive. For example one year one of my cousins got a bunch of fridge magnets made up with a picture taken at our family reunion. Another year an aunt made up a bunch of calendars with a different families family picture for each month. I would imagine something with group pictures, family pictures, or older family pictures would be a big hit. I know I have seen recently on this site some good deals on personalized mouse pads or ornaments. Personalize ornaments 1.99 each - http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=124153 - this one expired on 11/30 so hurry Mouse pads 2.99 plus other personalized stuff - http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=125148
  17. YES I just ordered the Sam's club set online for store pickup this afternoon. I'm having my husband pick up two of them. That way I have an extra if I find out I need a gift for another little boy in that age range. If I don't need it I'll donate it or sell it on ebay.
  18. JollyGG

    Kids & Santa

    We were told that Santa is the spirit of giving. And even if he isn't a real person he is still very real. The first year we knew that Santa wasn't a person we each got to play Santa. Mom and Dad showed us where the gifts were and we got to put them out for our younger siblings. And now even though we are adults Santa still comes. We were also told that Santa only came to those who said they belived. It kept us from blabbing to our siblings, cousins, etc. because if we said that Santa wasn't real we wouldn't be getting any gifts from him that year.
  19. I checked our Sam's club online and called. Ours doesn't have any.
  20. They do have a larger style bakugan that might be good for those worried about younger siblings. And the large ones are alot easier to get ahold of since they aren't as popular. I worked at TRU last night and they were unloading the truck with a whole bunch of bakugan's expected. I went in this morning and they weren't on the truck. I did stop at walmart and they had several of the individual bakugan's but no starter pack which is what I really wanted.
  21. Okay I have yet another question. I see bakugan starter packs and I see series two starter packs. Which should I get? Can series one play with series two? Or do I need to find out what series his friends have in order to be sure they can play together?
  22. My first day on the floor at TRU will be tonight. I know that the store I work in has been holding a couple of shippments back to have plenty for sale when they have the tournament this weekend. So I know they will be putting them on shelves tonight. I figure I'll stop in the morning and pick some up before going to my regular job. Or I'll stop at three when the two day is supposed to start so I can get the backpack as well. But I want to make sure I'm getting what he needs to be able to play. So if I just get him something lik this http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3350245 or http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3121216 would he be off to a good start and be able to play with his new bakugans on christmas day?
  23. I also want to know what is necessary to play the game. My son doesn't have any yet but his friends do and he is becoming obsessed. Bakugans are the only thing he has asked Santa for. I plan to pick the stuff up tomorrow at TRU. What exactly should I get?
  24. I was told that Toys R Us has been holding the bakugan's from their last couple of shippments back in preparation of having them for their sale this weekend.
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