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About JollyGG

  • Birthday 12/12/1976
  1. I'm out of work this year so I wouldn't be going out anyway. This year will be a homemade holiday around here. However, even if I were working I probably wouldn't go out on Thanksgiving day. My brother and SIL did the 10pm openings the year those started. After standing in line at 2-3 stores after a long day with family we were exhausted and bitchy and just not having any fun. We went home and went to bed and missed the early mooring openings that we wanted to hit. It just ended up being a frustrating and not fun experience and I won't be doing it again. Last year I did wonder into the stores in the morning on Friday and got some good deals, but nothing great.
  2. I can't find the page with all the games listed. However if you go to the xbox games you'll see several that mention the deal underneath the description. So It seems to still be going on. One of the only two I'm interested in is only available for store pickup and when I type in my zip code it informs me it's out of stock. I hope you have better luck with the games you are interested in.
  3. I got mine from Best Buy 2 days ago.
  4. Well clearly there was no need to worry about not getting this deal at my Best Buy. I bought it yesterday, but stopped in this afternoon around 4pm to see what they had left for movies and they still had about 20 Xboxs left.
  5. Not sure what exactly happened. Our company payroll let us know via email that the issue was their banks error. The bank would cover fees for those who were charged any. They gave a list of banks that would be able to show our checks tomorrow morning. The rest would show up Monday morning. Plus gave contact information for employees for whom the missing checks caused an emergency situation. We luckily have saving that covered my bills coming out and allowed me to still go shopping, once I'd confirmed that I'll have my check tomorrow morning. So on that note, I got: Xbox360 from Best Buy (online) Roku from Best Buy (online) Microwave from Sears (online) PJs from Children's Place A few movies from Walmart A suitcase from Walmart A kinect from Game Stop A few tv series from Sam's Club Chocolates from Menards A movies from Target A controller at Best Buy More movies at Best Buy The only things I missed out on were a couple of projection alarm clocks from Menards and the DVD/Blue Ray combo pack of Brave. I did have to go to 2 different Walmarts to find the suitcase. So, all together not so bad considering I didn't make it out shopping until this afternoon. Of course my list was pretty short and there wasn't anything in high demand on it.
  6. The bank that processes my employers payroll deposits messed up and I didn't get paid today. They are one of the biggest employers in the area and this effects a large number of people in my area. I decided not to shop last night and checked my account before going out this morning. I transferred the money I needed so will go out after work. I may miss some things I could have gotten this morning, but I'll still pick up a few things. I didn't go this morning because I wanted to wait and make sure things were going to get resolved before I spent the money. No word yet on exactly when I will get my money, just that it's being resolved and they are sorry. I feel really bad for the people who didn't have a buffer in savings. I'm guessing this royally screwed up a number of peoples black friday.
  7. Well the deal on the Xbox showed as available this morning online so I went ahead and ordered it. I sure hope there aren't any problems with orders getting canceled or anything.
  8. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?275589-Roku-2-XS-1080p-HD-Streaming-Video-Player-w-WiFi-(Refurbished)-59-99&highlight=roku
  9. Best Buy
  10. If I go to Best Buys online add and grab the product number it matches the one at walmart.com.
  11. This is one deal I really want as well. My husband wants the 250gb version and Best Buy is the only place that seems to have a deal on it. Unfortunatelly, we will be driving back from the in-laws on Thursday evening late so I probably won't make it to best buy until midnight or 2am. If they don't have it still I'm thinking of trying to price match it at Walmart. Anyone have any suggestions if I end up having to give that a try?
  12. We got our invite. I'm trying to decide if I want to go for the blue ray player or not. I can't find much for reviews on it.
  13. I really enjoyed sneaking out of the house in the wee hours while my kids slept and doing my shopping and then either going to work or going home. I did the late thing last night and lines were so long that I ended up just standing for way too long. I do fine when I'm moving, but my back was killing me from the standing. Lines were unbelievably long and slow. More so than in years past. I had absolutely no fun. I went with my SIL and brother who love shopping but get rather crabby and hard to take the more tired they get. They weren't too bad, but I don't think they had much fun either. I'll do what shopping I can online. Then I'll pop in and see what's still around in the morning before heading to work.
  14. I figured that their marketing plan went something like this: 1. Threaten any legitimate site they can into not releasing the ad 2. Ad gets leaked anyway 3. Enough people find leaked ad that they can't keep a lid on it reasonably anymore 4. Finally release it and give legitimate sites the go ahead. Therefore we'll get the ad whenever it's leak is widespread enough.
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