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Everything posted by vern28

  1. I was watching the news the other night and they showed cargo ships waiting in the sea to get into the ports! I'm honestly getting alittle worried. I'm going to go with the flow and try not to stress too much if something is out of stock.
  2. I would have to go with an all inclusive trip to Orlando to discoverycove and the 3 parks. As this is what I'm giving my 15yo son for Christmas. But it would have to include everything hotel, car rental, airfair and tickets as you can only purchase one thing on black friday lol.
  3. This is very nice and pretty awesome of you Brad!
  4. I cant find the 10% off in circle. I even tried searching
  5. Thank you Brad!!!! I received my package yesterday. Love everything in it!
  6. Rain for a few days before and after...56 for a high on black friday. That is actually warm for this time of year!
  7. vern28

    GD 2020 shirt!

    That is so freaking awesome!!!!!
  8. Waaaaaalmaaaaart where oh where is your last ad?
  9. i think a hot/cold water bottle..(like the tfal ones at walmart) travel size hand sanitizer bottles pens cross body bag that is a decent size. i had one that i folded up the ad of the store i was going to and my detailed list and put in one pouch, it had like 3 or 4 zippered pouches so you stayed organized, didnt have to worry about your purse or wallet and its hands free. has to be a water repellant material though.
  10. The target near my house had signs up that they will have a few xboxs for sale in store tomorrow morning g, they just don't know how many as they will be coming in on the truck tonight.
  11. Do you think stores will try to match walmarts prices for tvs again this sale like the first sale? My daughters only tv (the baby broke the other) had 2 blue circles on it and is going to die. Im trying to get her one but I have no hope for walmart.
  12. So disappointed in all the ads so far. Im usually very excited for all the ads. Everything I wanted at kohls is way more than last year. Yes I went through last years ad to compare.
  13. I feel like putting the big "doorbusters" online only is a major fail for walmart. At least if it was like other bf sales before I know I would get what I wanted, because I would he there super early and have things In my cart. Uggggh glad I spent the little extra to get the TV at bestbuy.
  14. I must be checking these forums at least 4 times a day, if not more. Hoping and waiting for some ads to drop so i can make a plan. My brain is on overdrive and i cant sit still. What are you doing to help ease your mind?
  15. I have to say I'm pretty happy and impressed. I thought all the "pre black friday" sales wouldn't be that good but walmart actually has things they normally do on black friday for the blackfriday price during these sales.
  16. https://www.amazon.com/Upgraded-Bluetooth-Headphones-Wireless-Christmas/dp/B07FNM1VM3/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?dchild=1&keywords=unique+gifts&qid=1602774651&sprefix=unique+&sr=8-11 I actually got these for my neice a few years ago. She collects beanie hats. I figured instead of worrying about wearing headphones under her hat these would be perfect.
  17. Does anyone know if they have a code out for tomorrow?
  18. I'm really hoping they have the cuddl duds fleece sheets and big one down alternative comforters for the usual blackfriday price...
  19. I'm honestly going to miss the crazy packed stores on Thanksgiving. I go to a different state usually as mine has the blue laws. I love rushing out the door after I clean up the house and the excitement of getting done before everyone else I know starts their shopping.
  20. I was able to get a pre order. Stared at target app, the page for the xbox preorder, for 2 hours. As soon as it changed to 11 on my sons phone, mine was a little slower than his, I pressed preorder add to cary. Couldn't figure out how to check out for a few seconds but seemed forever. Finally hit checkout. It asked for the cvc to verify clicked ok then it asked for the cc again 4 more times..then the website crashed within a minute and a half of turning 11...kept refreshing for 20 minutes and my son told me to stop because he went into order history and the preorder was in there. I didnt get confirmation or anything right away. Checked my email a little while later and lo and vetoed target sent me confirmation. It was waaaay more stressful then black friday!!!
  21. thank you! maybe I'll just wait for another sale lol!
  22. does anyone know what the nike outlet does for black friday? I've never been on black friday due to the fact that there is always a 2-3 hour wait to even get into the parking lot! thinking of going later in the day/night when it's less crazy lol
  23. is there a way to search for a specific item ex... bike? i know before you could do like f3 or something and a search bar would pop up.
  24. I'm confused as to what will be on sale friday and saturday for the preview.
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