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Posts posted by vern28

  1. I was perusing the Walmart employee subreddit yesterday and it was nearly unanimous reports that the first Black Friday sale was a bust in stores. There were many photos of empty stores, reports of too many employees scheduled with nothing to do, lots of stock left over, overall store sales numbers down and zero buzz about the sale.


    We'll see how the next sale goes this week but reports like that could make Walmart reconsider the multiple sales strategy for next year.

    When I showed up Friday at 515 I thought the lot was busy, but nope only one other person in the store and the person handing out tickets for the big items said it was the same thing for the first event. She was pretty disappointed. I told her the same thing you said...maybe walmart will rethink spreading the sales out for 3 events and bring back the one big sale.

  2. I'm hoping target pulls through for me with a spectacular ad..looking for a 55-65in TV for my sons room(walmart disappointed with no cheap tvs) and need luggage sets for a trip(again walmart always has the 3pc set for 50 but not this yr) and usually kohls has a nice tfal pan set for around $50, but nope not this year. Ugghhh
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  3. Hello everyone! I went to my local Walmart this early morning. I was presently surprised when the Walmart employees were handing out the real Black Friday ad! My store did not have the ad for this week. I sent pics of the ad to Brad first thing this


    You are our savior! Thank you...im dying to see it

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  4. I agree with everything but Orlando. I need to be somewhere exotic but for a 15yo than that will be the world. All of the parks in one week. I am tired just thinking about it

    We will not be doing Disney though. Discovery cove has these all inclusive tickets where you can go to bush gardens seaworld and aquatica as many times as you like for 14 consecutive days and includes free parking so we will be taking our time and not rushing.

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