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  1. I am a big Amazon fan, but thought this sale was not so good...
  2. so are we thinking new years day for 90%? I feel like last year that is when it went?
  3. Went to Sears last night to check out mattresses and they actually gave us the BF price/deal while we were there- pretty happy, queen set for about $750, plus $100 in points back.
  4. Some of the items I was looking at seem to be a higher price than what the "preview price" said yesterday. =(
  5. Sears (and kmart) points program seem to actually be worthwhile- I purchased a new laptop last week from Sears and got almost $50 in points back- used those in store to get my husband tools and shirt for my son, paid only $4 at checkout. It looks like a few items in their ad come with bonus points for Black Friday =)
  6. Love 6pm, hoping to score shoes/clothes for my 19yo son!
  7. Havent been too excited by the early deals yet... but maybe things will look up soon!
  8. Added some items to my cart today- love that Kohls has their sales online early!
  9. Minus Halloween clearance, this is the saddest time of year at Target for me, I never seem to find anything exciting on clearance until after Christmas =(
  10. Just curious- do they really get that much business on weeknights staying open until midnight? I mean, I go to bed pretty early because I get up very early morning, but midnight on a weeknight would be sooo late for me!
  11. I think if I wasnt a Prime member I would hate this....
  12. I cant remember how long! I can tell you after I post this... probably however many years I have belonged to Gottadeal
  13. I am against the Thursday openings. I am also against all of the Christmas displays they set up a month ago. This week you couldn't even find Halloween items at most stores, it is kind of sad. I do realize these are stores and they are here to make money, but I do not think putting the almighty dollar first instead of taking one day to celebrate family is okay. No matter what your religious preferences are, we need to get back to the real reasons for buying gifts for our loved ones, not just to see who can get the biggest haul.
  14. Marking summer seasonal at our store also- some solar rock lights (I think?) were 50% off, and patio umbrellas marked down too but i cant remember how much. Looks like they were getting ready for back to school in our store also, hoping for some good summer clearance!
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