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  1. This is my favorite time of year! So excited to be back in the BF mode. I've been thinking about Christmas gifts this year, but this month, I'll put the ideas and numbers to the paper. We've relocated to sunny FL, so BF will be different this year and will more likely be more crowded and definitely warmer than years past. lol I'm looking forward to it!
  2. Ahhh, home sweet home here on the BF forums. Been so crazy this year with work that I haven't even had a chance to breathe, but it hit me last week that BF is NEXT MONTH. 32 short days!!!! Budget is set, now I just have to figure out what to get. I'm going to miss those TRU toy books
  3. Nightmare before Christmas (at least for some lol)
  4. I agree with the PJs and cheap kitchen appliances! I get sucked in every year and the following year, they get donated. I.must.resist. lol
  5. I also miss K B Toy Stores and Borders! We used to have a Media Play by us when I lived in CO and I loved that place! But that closed in 2006.
  6. I create a list of things I'd like to get everyone and then scour the ads to see where I can get the best deal. I know most stuff is online now, but I still go out for the paper so I can see, feel, and taste the ads as well, in case there was any stone left un-turned.
  7. Yay! I love these contests! Half Price Books 10/8
  8. They were actually about 5 miles from each other, if you can believe that! I think it was because the Target had JUST opened about 1 month before and it was one of those Super Targets. Maybe everyone thought it was nothing more than a grocery store or something, lol. Even the parking lot was practically empty! Those days are long gone though. The lines around Target are usually as long as the ones at BB here, though no one really camps for Target. They do camp for BB though. I love seeing the campers too! It really makes the whole BF experience real...like you know it's coming!
  9. I was first in the line at a Best Buy one year WITHOUT camping! I have no idea how that was even possible, since every year since then has been crazy. That was back in 2004. I was also first in line for Target in the same year. As a matter of fact, I distinctly remember there was NO line there. I just waltzed right in like I owned the joint, got what I needed, and was back home and done with shopping by like 7AM. That was back in the day when they opened on Friday at 5AM. Man, I feel old. lol
  10. I'm in the market for a laptop this year, but I'm going to really do some research and try to figure out what won't die in a year or two. We've always had Dells because they are super affordable, but all of them have died quickly and I've been very disappointed. I am thinking about the MacBook, but not sure if the whole display thing will bother me. Does anyone have the Microsoft Surface Pro here? I know it's sort of a tablet, but if you get the keyboard, it could be more like a laptop, right? And how do you all get around not having a DVD drive? I know I wouldn't use it for movies, but how do you burn home movies these days? lol I have a video camera full of videos on a memory card and I have no idea what to do with them if I don't get a laptop that has a DVD drive. And for those that have the MacBook, what do you love and hate the most about them? My uncle swears by them because they last forever, which is great, but what else can Mac do for me?
  11. I agree with Len here as well. BF will never be the same, but I've learned to accept it and love it for what it is now. I don't go out on Thanksgiving day, and I am perfectly fine with that! I started doing some BF online shopping after Thanksgiving dinner with my husband last year, and I LOVED every second of it. Something about the two of us sitting next to each other, each one with a laptop, scouring for deals that we can pick up before Friday...it was just so romantical! LMAO. On Friday, I STILL go out, but I do it on my own terms. I get to the stores between 5:30 and 6 and last year I took my oldest son with me. He's been listening to me talk about BF for years and was finally old enough to join it. He loves it too! So this year, I am looking forward to the "revised" BF tradition. Me and the hubby will do our online date Thursday for all the "Santa" gifts and then my older son and I will go out Friday morning for the rest of the deals and breakfast. I'm not a fan of change, but sometimes change can be great! Can't wait!
  12. I don't think that VS is a major player and in looking at the past ads, it looks like they only had a deal last year. (it was a free tote if you spend $75) I think your best bet would be to wait until January when they have their Semi-annual sale. That's usually when they have the best deals.
  13. I know in my area the only camping that goes on is at Best Buy. That usually starts about 3 days before Thanksgiving. As for me, I'll be at home basting the ol' turkey. No camping for this girl!
  14. Middletown, NY for me! I put my spot on the map.
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