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Miss Star

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Posts posted by Miss Star

  1. I definitely have to go with "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus"

    I can't remember a Christmas where my mom didn't put in the Lynn Anderson Christmas C.D. and listen to it while wrapping gifts and she would always turn it up a little bit louder when this song came on :)

  2. I go with my mom, sometimes my dad or sister will come along, but mostly it's just me and the mom. I usally get everything ready and tell her where we need to go because I know what she'll want to get for everybody lol
  3. Wake up Thanksgiving morning, me and my mom go to Kmart for sweet deals and to see my best friend hard at work lol

    Come home finish fixing the big meal and make final plans for BF. We usually already know what we are getting and where we are going, thanks to GD! :D

    Go to bed early, wake up around 4am, make a stop to get some cappuccinos and hit the stores.

    Try to get everything on our list from all the various stores, than meet up with a friend of mine who always goes to Circuit City and gets me some the DVD's they always have and give her whatever I got her at the other places lol

    Go home, leftovers, and nap :yup:

  4. I wear jeans, a t-shirt, tennis shoes. If I'm going to be standing in line I'll wear my hoodie and some gloves.


    I always carry a purse but this year I'll probably take my new L.A.M.B messenger bag, it holds a lot lol - which will carry ads, money, lists, paper & pen, chapstick, bottle water, snacks, and everthing my mom needs which will probably be keys, cell phone, and money because she won't want to carry a purse lol

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