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About pearlz3

  • Birthday 03/15/1983
  1. It is such as shame that this happened and not only that but because this happened really because of nothing..Noone could say there was this "I must have" "gotta have" item..I am really hurt and really sorry that this happen and my prayers go out to the family. In order for WalMart to get this under control as far as the Black Friday madness to as stated before have some sort of ticket process or only letting a certain amount of people in at a time..but u know what more than likely there will be more drama associated with that...and to think that when it was announced that this happened in the store there were some people actually angry that the store halted all transactions..I mean what type of people were these.to actually get mad because they couldn't complete a purchase for 4.00 crock pots or 4.00 pajama sets over showing some glimmer of sympathy about a life being lost..its sad very sad...
  2. yes the walmart here also had some boys pajama sets on sale for 1.00 as well from 12months to 5t it's located in the infants section
  3. Thanks great find I have 3 boys ages 1, 4, and 6....and my 4 and 6 Year old always seem to need a new pair of shoes after the holiday break...
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