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  1. Erie, PA Target 90% off but VERY slim pickings. Only large bags (singles), some ornaments. Checked in foods and other sections, no luck. Did not check toys.
  2. Went to target today well after noon. Found several isles of Christmas items, and many food items not traditionally thought of as Christmas - bags of Stacey's Pita Chips for example, that had small snow flakes on a corner (but were still 50% off). There were still trees, LED lights, wrap, etc. hit the stocking stuffer items hard for birthdays gifts from kids through the year, and took care of next years Christmas PJ's.
  3. Will they let you stack coupons?
  4. From talking with the staff it was the managers idea to try to get rid of left over clearance items that were going to be "sent off" tommorrow. It was unannounced, just put over store loud speaker. I don't know if it is until the items are gone or just today. There were some small kid sizes, lots of ladies and teens. No men's , few boys. summer stuff, flip flops, odds and ends. The regular clearance that was on the floor was not included. They just placed racks in the isles. I live in Erie, Pa, and my 13 year old daughter is very happy!!
  5. Today the 30% off clearance was over. But, they pulled out several .25 racks!! I got 23 pair of flip flops for 3.26 (some were packed in multiple pair per .25), and spent $5.50 for 22 articles of clothing. To top it off, I had a clearance item that was not .25 but still a good price and someone gave me a $10 off coupon that she wasn't going to use! Quite the shopping day! Thanks OP or I never would have been there for the unannounced sale!
  6. Love pouring over the ads and planning the day. Then unpacking and counting up how much I saved!
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