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Posts posted by alleyc

  1. How much New kids stuff did you have i think I have everything that ever came out?? Is it really selling right now???


    Yep cause they're having a reunion Tour right now- She probably could have gotten even more than 200 $... can you believe that? Whats it been 15 plus years?

  2. I really am not sure .. I think the budget will be 2000 since we are trying to get shopping done for 4 kids.. But not sure-- we both carry alil cash( I hide mine well XD).. then I have 2 bank accounts with debits so I divide them up..I also use my Business Paypal debit..
  3. My Fiance Refs he makes 300 and upwards a week doing that so we use that for BF.. I use my survey payments for it as well...But the way the economy like Bugsette says I may just need it for other things .. ** Fiance was layed off Oct 1 after 20 Plus years with his company ! Great economy eh? **
  4. well - last year financially I was able to get them Bigger gifts ... this year although mine have wishlists it may just be that wishing ..lol



    Son -16

    New LapTop( he already has one so I dont think so)

    ps3 ( I may get that as the familiy gift for house)

    RockBand 2 for 360( probably lol)




    Daughter -14


    New Camera ( probably)

    New Cell Phone( maybe )


    gift cards



    step daughter -19



    Gift Cards


    Step daughter -



    Pokemon anything lol

    hs2 stuff

    Hannnah montana stuff

  5. We always spend Christmas day home alone with only our immediate family and get together with extended family either in Nov, Dec, or Jan every year. It's wonderful! It's nice to have a day that we don't have to do anything but sit around and play with the kids and bake cookies. I make food on xmas eve that I can just throw in the oven & bake on xmas day so I don't even have to do any cooking. Since we started doing it we'll never go back to running around on xmas day or having company over. Spending time with family is what matters, not what day you do it on. And it seems to be more relaxed and nobody has to leave to go to another party. My husbands family wasn't thrilled with us when we started doing it, but now they all do it too.

    Yep that sounds really nice- My familiy is extended since both My Fiance and I have been married previously and have children so we do Christmas2x - This year I would like to maybe do it the week before ( all kids are preteen to older teens) ... BTW I see your a Tommy Lee fan - I got to meet him 2 years ago ...

  6. DD Has an iTouch and Ipod she prefers the iTouch


    DS Has A Sansa - piece of crap and a Zune which he loves..


    DH Has A Sony Mp3 Player he loves .. He also has an iPhone and usually uses that


    Me- Ipod And Iphone


    As long as the product works good then thats all that matters .. I have had Sony Bean mps players -fell apart... But I have had other people tell me they loved theirs.. My sons Sansa just has fallen aprt and he only uses it at home-

    A word of warning if you get the kids Ipods don't let them bring to school we had had 3 stolen right out of locker..

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