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Everything posted by blessed247

  1. Are you sure its not vanilla icing fragrance.. hubby and friend said they saw an open bx of vanilla icing frag. Didn't see any bday cake fragrance. None left at any frisco targets, and not much of clearances left at these stores.
  2. well hubby went and 3 of apple berry left..oh well how many did u end up getting?
  3. Would like the Birthday cake and Cinnamon. Grandma loves those fragrances! Was there a lot left? wonder if I go sat am if there will be any left.
  4. Yankee candles-what fragrances? which stores?
  5. I wish our stores here in TX had the HENCKELS deal. Glad you found it though. how is it??
  6. Hi everyone, When does baby stuff go on clearance? is it January? end/beg of Jan? Please let me know. we are expecting our first baby and am hoping to get some things on clearance
  7. hi, Which N.TX did you find the 90% off?
  8. YAY! finally found an item yall are talking about. THANKS jeff7602!
  9. Wow! How do you find deals @ Frisco. I NEVER do and my hubby works @ the pharmacy there too. Good Job!
  10. Did you find any grills//if so which location? I won't be able to go out today as I've got the flu :-/
  11. I did not see any grills out on the floor?? where are they? checked over by garden area. did see grill accessories though
  12. The Frisco & Mckinney Stores clearance items never stay on the shelf for more than a day..they are usually sold when they are clearanced @ 30 or 50% -- per hubby who used to work part time in the rx. I usually go to the one in Dallas or the plano ones on the way home from work.
  13. It took me 4 days to find the black club chair. I called just about every Target that was close to me. I finally found 2. They are still out there.
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