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  1. I was lucky at the Salvation Army last weekend they had 3 Wii Controllers the 2 nunchucks they wanted $20 (same as stores) so I passed on those but I was able to get brand new in box Wii Play for $25 1/2 reg retail. The only thing missing was that wrist band thing so no big deal and a great deal!
  2. This is part of the email I got: Free Ground Shipping on 6-Pack Bundles with code EX312S1T. Shop now.
  3. You could also donate the dresses. There are lots of programs that give the dresses to girls that can't afford to buy them for school dances.
  4. These are free w/purch kids meal toys! From the start you shouldn't have expected to much from them. And maybe you should have opened the 2 you got for free before buying 2 more at cost. JMO
  5. On the other end you have to think that stores are getting sick of hearing the same questions from customers over the phones all day long about the Wii's..
  6. Ya it was an email promo it would have like upto 4 different coupons that you could select and print out to take to the store. I hope they do that again!
  7. I'm half tempted to return the stuff I got since I got better deals elsewhere. I think tha Ad really should have said the 1st 50! I want to also call there CS to complain. Maybe next year they will be smarter.
  8. Okay first off the deals sucked! And 2nd they wouldn't hand out the MP3 players UNLESS you where one of the first 50 people in the door to get a wristband! NOWHERE in the ad did it say you had to be one of the 50 people to get a band!
  9. Sweet! More games for the Wii! Now I just need to find some money..... haha
  10. I've used them both printed and peelies at TRU, Target, Kohls, Walgreens & Sears. Walmart here won't do either since they won't scan into there registers and they won't override them! Also people have used them no problems at grocery stores that sell toys.
  11. are the wii skins a good itea to keep the remotes nice?
  12. I've seen the boy at walmart
  13. Here's more info on this that I posted the other day. You don't just have to buy the Wii game you can get different platforms http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?p=961728#post961728
  14. The store I went to last night was out of the $10 GC w/purch They also would only let me stack the $10 off $30 and the free lipgloss coupons. I think I'm going to call another store to see if they have the GC's and return & rebuy at another store. I still have a $10 off $30 and 2 free temptions/signiture item coupons I want to use.
  15. This is the one I endded up getting him. I was able to get the 20% off it too! http://www.familychristian.com/shop/product.asp?prodID=7414
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