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  1. No such luck. Our Target doesn't carry any just toddler beds. You have to buy the crib/bed combo.
  2. Thank you! Off to search as long as I can get out without my husband knowing I am going shopping yet again!!! Thanks again!!!!
  3. Which bed is this? I would like to go up and look for this but would like an idea of what I am looking for please. Thanks :)
  4. If you buy something just make sure you get a gift receipt. I would think if you had to return it and used that they would just give you the full credit just being store credit. Not sure on that but doesn't seem like they are going to take that coupon amount off with the gift receipt. Just a thought!
  5. We picked one up yesterday at Gamestop and saw them at walmart. It was released yesterday.
  6. I would say probably not suppose to but I think it depends on the cashier whether you will get away with it or not. Can't hurt top try. Good Luck!!!
  7. Here's a link for new luvs coupons. Hope it helps people. Don't forget you should be able to stack manufacturer coupons on top with these. http://www.luvs.com/en_US/images/retailer_emails_version8/022_PnG028156_Luvs_Webcpns.pdf
  8. don't know if anyone replied yet to you. i tried earlier but it didn't go through for some reason but anyways. The site is http://www.afullcup.com/upload/cmps_index.php?page=coupon_generator
  9. sign up for coupons and free samples on our their websites. Enfamil Similac Nestle Good Start They almost all do samples with monthly coupons. As well as gerber, johnson and johnson, pampers, huggies, etc. Just have to go to their website and can usually find a way to get on their mailings. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  10. Not sure if this is everywhere or not but where I am, I could call my OB doctor's office anytime to see if they had any samples I could pick up. They usually are will to help everyone!!! Worth a try at least. And some pediatric offices will give them out to if you ask.
  11. I appreciate your help again but again no such luck. I want to get the digital frame in their ad. I have been asking for one for years now, since they came out. I am a stay at home mom that lives on a budget so I have a hard time buying stuff for myself. I was going to use some money from my birthday to buy it if I could get ahold of one of these coupons. If it was for my husband or kids, we would of had it by now hahaha! Nothing I need just would like. Thanks for trying though.
  12. I appreciate you trying to help but that is off a $200 purchase and mine isn't that much. I definitely appreciate it though!!!! THANKS!!!!!
  13. I was wondering if anyone has a coupon that they would be willing to let me use. If you could please email the coupon code to me since they are a one time use only coupon. I would appreciate it more than you will know. Thanks for your help!!!!
  14. Don't know if anyone has posted this yet or not but I received this in my email and wanted to share it. Hope someone can use it!!! http://www.luvs.com/en_US/images/luvs_target_email02/images/TY046_Luvs_webcoupon.pdf
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