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Everything posted by cfoley
Thanks - I"d much rather not fight for them!
So is it worth the $220 to purchase the 6gb one from Best Buy versus the 4gb? both HP's - OR is it better to get the 8gb Asus one? Again, not even sure if I'll be able to get in the door to get these. I'm looking for a laptop for a college bound student. (Ole Miss) Thanks in advance!
Thanks - Actually a student in the IT dept called me back & appeared at least to be pretty honest. He told me really all she needs it for would be doing papers, checking grades, and using a search engine. He said that sometimes the cheaper ones are actually better if she's the kind of student who types faster than she writes & would being it to class - so he said weight and size might be a factor. I know I want her to have a webcam so that we can skype. I'm thinking of the Toshiba that Best Buy has - although I won't spend the night there to get it....I'll pay the extra $ to get something reasonable from my comfy couch on Thursday at midnight!
i know you were planning this for the holidays...but really NY is a mess without mass transit. Parking will be almost impossible to find, much less pay for. It's relatively easy to get around using the subway...I can't imagine doing it without. Now, I'm not from NY. My dh is & we've been there many times, so I"m just going on my experience. Maybe someone who lives there can give you an accurate current assessment. Good Luck!
I"m done!!! I finished Sunday afternoon! All wrapped, & ready to UPWRAP! lol
Cool deal ! That kinds happened to me several years ago too....My dh was coming home & decided to stop in at the "old" Montgomery Wards store...it was their last day open...anyway...they had 6 20in tv's for $20 each! He bougth ALL 6!!!! lol Needless to say we've had a tv in every room in our house for many years now! Great deal for you!
They're not the quickest....but once you get a "shipped" email...give it another few days & then you should be able to track it...what I've found is that "shipped" means it has left the warehouse, but ups/usps hasn't really gotten it yet. hth
I remember it exactly...I was eight....& it was a Barbie Christmas......I opened up a million of those Barbie outfits...& noticed they ALL had Kmart price tags on them..& said Santa doesn't shop at Kmart!!
Absolutely! I know that we do. BUT just recently in the past 2-3 years. Before that we couldn't afford it. We don't use credit cards at all. My dh gets his bonus check in November, so I get 1/4 of it to spend on whatever I choose....of course it's always Christmas! (he doesn't "get" the other 3/4 btw...it's put in college funds for the kids) We don't really buy each other big gifts..but we do spend on our kids. I don't have any brothers or sisters, and my dh's family lives our of state & my in-laws are not doting g'parents at all. However...MY parents are absolutely nutso! My mom probably will spend $2000 per kid each Christmas, plus another $500 on their bdays. Her theory always is" I might not be here next year". She also doesn't use cc to but the stuff. My kids are pretty good about it though...the oldest is not spoiled at all, my 6 yr old...well she's pretty good...most of the time. One thing we do every year is pick several names off the giving/angel trees and spend a few hundred dollars on some other kids. This year we even bought a PS2 for a 7 yr old boy who wanted one. Our family is pretty small...many family members died at a really young age...so I think we all try to make Christmas as special as we can.
We love our mailman! He's pretty young and always has his cd/mp3 player glued to his head! So every year we give him a $25 bestBuy gift card....I also try to catch him on the really long days before Dec 24th & give him a cuppa coffee ! I can tell it's been a long day if my mail isn't in my box by11:30 am!
WOW! How awesome for your mom! Not only does she get great gifts, but you're so thoughtful as well! I'm hoping someday my 11 yr old & 6 yr old can be just like you!!!
Our kids get both....Santa presents are wrapped in kraft paper, ours in special paper. Although my parents buy my kids sooo much that neither mom & dad OR santa can compete with them
Thanks for the location advice...I checked mine & they won't have them...I would have been SOOO mad if I went out & found that out at 5am! I'm bummed though...I need one & that's a great price...no other Meier even close to me
Depends....I have $1000 cash stashed away.....although I won't bring all that with me on bf. So far not a lot I really need to get....the mp3 player at bb if I can, dvd player, that's pretty much it really.
Well our HIGH here should be about 40! with lows in the lower 30's brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Yeah I think they do it for the holidays...just like toys....I was just there & they have tons of toys...typically it's pretty empty over there.
I was kinda thinking of buying this...where was it only $41? - Chris
LOVE LOVE Ikea....although the closest one is about 30 minutes awal & totally the opposite way of all the other bf stores I want/need to get too! - - chris
Thanks! I'm especially looking to nab some of the deals online if I can to save grief tryign to get to 3 places at one time! Lol
Thanks for the replies.......I was thinking of the sandisk 512mb one that best buy and compusa will have on sale on bf. Any thoughts on those & which speakers work best?
You know...last year I popped in for the bf ads & then left......BUT this year I'm planning on staying! There are so many great deals here!
I don't...I ususally pick and choose & make sure I go to the store I NEED to first and then go on from there.
I have a quick question.....If I get a MP3 player other than an Ipod...can I still get some sort of speaker system for it? tia - Chris
Thanks Julie! I ordered that, plus a few other things...my total bill before disount was over $100 and was wayyy below after that plus shiping! thanks a bunch - Chris
Does anyone know yet if CompUSA will be one of the online retailers offering BF prices? I'd just like ti get a coupld of the sandisk mp3's & while yes I know Best Buy has them $10 cheaper...it's the only thing I need at Best Buy so I don't really want to wait in line there.....