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About blueyedmama421

  • Birthday 04/21/1983
  1. My toys r us weekly flyer has printed cabbage patch kids toys and sets buy 2 get 3 free. My mom went to the store today and got 5 dolls reg.$8 each for $16!! {2 @ $8 each, plus 3 free} Check your fliers because they will honor it if it is printed. I am not sure if it was a misprint or not.
  2. I checked and i can use these tickets very close to my home. I PMed you my addy if they are still available.
  3. I dont know if you have a local thriftway pharmacy but i seen these glasses in their store today. They were 19.99 per glass, but no shipping. Thet had them for many occassions also. Good Luck.
  4. I have purchased wilton also, i just find that the make and mold brand melts smoother, and i've never had a problem with it burning like i did with wilton.
  5. I make chocolate lollipops quite often and am very fond of the brand "make and mold". I have purchased them at AC moore and also Party City. Us can either melt them in the microwave or over a doube boiler. They cost anywhere from $1.75 a package on sale to about $2.00 regularly. They are a very good quality for this price. I would reccomend that you try them.:)
  6. Sorry about the confusion on the pj's. They were $1 for each piece so the set cost me $2.
  7. Dollar tree is one of my fave stores!:) I check in at least once a week, because they are always getting new stuff in. Last week i got my 18 month old son spiderman pj's for 2 bucks! And they were really good quality. They also get in name brand products quite often.
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