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About ManiacShopper

  • Birthday 03/01/1983
  1. i finally got it this week!!! excited!!!
  2. how many cups did you have to save for a roundtrip ticket?? ps. how cool!
  3. wait what was the special? im intrigued
  4. im still waiting on the 7up challenge =(
  5. IM ON THERE RIGHT NOW!!! i love vs
  6. those are some great tips - i never knew how they did their %s off...now i'll know when to stop by target =)
  7. ooty...what are your fav. things to save on? i am always looking for ways to save on clothes ;-) feel free to direct me to any dept. store savings lol!!
  8. Hi All ~ I wasn't sure where to post this but I wanted to say hello...I have been here for a while...lurking around but want to participate more fully now =) I am excited to learn about some cool deals while meeting other people who like to save a buck or 2 like I do. I love meeting new people so please feel free to say hi! I am very social girl =) I am so happy it is summer time (love spending time outdoors). When I am not having fun outside swimming, laying out, exercising I am working (this is my first year in marketing ~ pretty cool since I work with the guys over at Bud.tv). Its the perfect job for someone like me who has trouble shutting up!! In I LOVE LOVE LOVE to shop (and who doesn't like to get a deal - right ;-))
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