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Everything posted by lovemycatkellar

  1. I can't get the media fire one to work. The link just takes me to a copy of the same link, can't get the pdf to open. I joined facebook and mediafire to try to get it and it still won't open. What can I do. After I click on the pdf where should it go? Or is there some command I should click on?
  2. A tiny little bit below B-ham, closer to Hoover, off I-65, right around the I-459 exchange. Worth the drive from Arab! Wish I could go but going to Destin to a wedding...
  3. My summer spending was around $519 and I got EB back of $20.50, but the day before I got an automated phonecall from CVS that I had earned $5 in Summer spending bucks and was very happily surprised when it printed $20.50!!! My husband has been chewing Nicorette gum for 7 years (yes, you read that correctly) and that is how I spent so much this summer. Especially in Sept when I was buying 2 packs to get the $24 ecb coupon for every two boxes I got. But was really bummed when I tried to use that last $24 ecb and that $20.50 last week on more nicorette and she said the computer would not by pass it. She said that CVS were cracking down on the coupon misuse and making it harder for employees to bypass the alerts. That really stinks! So I got 4 packs ov CVS diapers (that suck) for free! Now who got the last word on them... Mel
  4. Is there a post somewhere that explains these saver bucks? Our Walgreen just opened up (next to CVS) and I want to see if it is as good as the CVS ECB deals. Mel
  5. Last year I got the Halloween tree with orange lights for my front porch. When I put it out I was not happy that it did not have the stand that the store display did! It did have some prongs to stick it in ground, but not what I need for a high porch far from ground. This year apparently they come with stand too. When these go on sale I want one with stnd! Also, Does anyone remember the little man (mortimer the mortician) that came out for Halloween decor in 2004 or 2005? He was a scray looking man with no head top, that is where you put in candy. I want one! I was told that year that he was one of the "at certain stores only" products. We moved that year and the one my old Target had sold quickly (i should not have waited for clearance) and the new city did not carry them. Did anyone see them last year or this year yet?
  6. I am very organize, keep up with what did last year at same time on a calendar so I remember this year. {That is how life was before we had message boards or I found yall!} And last year I had that new Halloween displays went up at Target the last week of Sept. This year, the same Target went up with Halloween this Tuesday (9/11/07)! What gives---nearly 3 weeks earlier! But school started hear earlier a week than 2006.
  7. Don't know but we are a college town (Auburn) and are up to 50 & 75 off on school supplies. But our schools started in August b/c it gets so hot here kids can't play outside, so they start school earlier and then get out in May!
  8. What kinda bike trailer? Like the one I attach for my toddler to my bike? Mel
  9. Ours (Alabama) were 30% for 2 weeks and just went 50 yesterday, but backpacks went 75 yesterday, those jumped from 30-75% off. I wanted crayons at .02 again but once they went to .06, they are nearly gone. At least I got my toddler a Hello Kitty backpack for 3.48!
  10. Target also sells clearance lots to Goodwill Stores instead of keeping it on the shelf to clearance out to 90%. So, if you really want soemthing badly, you might should get it at the 30% off. I found this out last year, while shopping at a Goodwill in TN. Then I checked my local Goodwill and sure enough Target clearance items. Then this summer I went to a Goodwill in my mom's city and they too had Target clearance items, lots of clothes and housewares. So today I asked the checkout chick at our Goodwill if the Target items come from our in city Target and she said no, they come from the big Goodwill truck that brings in other things from other areas. She said Goodwill buys them by the lots. It actually was a better deal...I got some of those Cherokee toddler leather sandals for $1.50 (Goodwill baby shoe price) and they still have them in the Target clearance rack at my Target for $2.48 or 2.88! This morning at Goodwill I also saw dog costumes, you know that had to be from last year.
  11. I love that it is easy to read, which is important at 6 am when I am just scanning all these threads/links/generators in a hurry before school rush! Sometimes it is just important to get to the "facts m'am!":)
  12. Someone told me there was the $24 ecb back for Nicorette Gum but I do not see it. It was not on the list and I tried to search it but the ad took too long to load so I gave up. If so, this is a great deal! My husband will be on that stuff for 7 years come Oct!!! It is nice to have my skin back without all the smoke but the gum ain't any cheaper... Mel
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