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Everything posted by apurpleocean

  1. i tried to use the code on the 50 pack for $7.50 but it didn't work for me
  2. These Are The Real Fragrances :)
  3. Just got 2 nice gift sets for $32 shipped. They have a really big selection of perfume/colognes. Use code WD237 FOR $10 OFF $35 www.FragranceNet.com
  4. thanks getting proving ground:)
  5. With the code BSFF30, you and everyone you forward this message to can receive the 30% employee discount on all purchases made from Wednesday, November 21 through Friday, November 23, 2007. www.shoes.com
  6. I bought a pair of shoes and a pack of socks and the buy 1 get 1 free worked on it :) this was my order total after buying a $10 pair of shoes and a $10 pack of socks Order placed: 11/13/2007 7:05:58 PM Sub-Total: $10.99 Shipping:$0.00 Sales Tax:$0.91 ---------------------------------------------------- TOTAL:$11.90
  7. i got a pair of shoes for my daughter and a 3 pack of DC socks for my son for $11.90 shipped with the code and buy 1 get 1 half off deal. SWEET
  8. Take $5 off any order of $5 or more till 1/12/09 use code 1107104 www.famousfootwear.com some items under $5 http://search.famousfootwear.com/search.aspx?SH=A%3dsocks%7eB%3dsocks%7eD%3d16%7eK%3d4%7eL%3d1%7eM%3d10%7eN%3d2%7e&SI=&LAP=0&Action=8&Ascending=true&NumericSort=False&FieldName=listPrice
  9. I was thinking the same thing when i saw this post. they had a store close by me years ago and were selling everything at major markdowns. i got a really nice bread maker for $10. Thanks! glad to know there still around. :) http://www.wards.com/wards/default.asp?&NoCnt=Y&CP=00&pp=yes&afsrc=1
  10. here's a code for $10 off $50 purchase 8581630 it works i just used it, bought an outdoor rug and a rug for my dining room. great deal thanks!
  11. they just sent me that in an email today as a gift for registering. nice gift
  12. i used it yesterday and my total was $10 and change shipped
  13. Set features 4 pair of earrings set with genuine natural gemstones. Amethyst, Turquoise, Tiger's Eye and Amethyst,Peridot, Citrine, Quartz combo. Silvertone wire back pierced settings. http://www.limogesjewelry.com/Normalprod.asp?productid=8331 also alot more items for under $10 @ LimogesJewelry.com http://www.limogesjewelry.com/Default.asp use code : FREESHIP for freeshipping on any order
  14. i don't think you need a jc penneys card, i've used this type of code before and i had a closeout item in my cart and it took off 30% i also had some pj's for my daughter and it didn't take off anything. thanks for the code
  15. cute childrens knit gloves @ endless.com $2.95 after $5 discount with free overnight shipping cow http://www.endless.com/dp/B000JCVBO8?tag=endlesscj-20&linkCode=asn dino http://www.endless.com/dp/B000JCVBMU?tag=endlesscj-20&linkCode=asn ladybug http://www.endless.com/dp/B000JD0POY?tag=endlesscj-20&linkCode=asn
  16. bummer that would have made my day!
  17. i see one for $49.99 but not $9.99. http://www.kbtoys.com/Amazing-Amanda-Doll/PID/3994959/ctid/17/INstock/Y/D/
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