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Everything posted by caitlinn

  1. I'm actually done shopping for my SS...just waiting a little while to ship!!!
  2. No Wild hats either...this would have been great for DS too. Great find anyway OP!!!
  3. We just moved away from a Costco...darn it!!! They're selling it online for $45...nonmembers have to pay an extra fee though so I'm not sure if it's worth it
  4. Wow, they're having one much closer to my house too. Though it's being held in a hotel...I still may drive the extra miles for the one in the actual warehouse. Or maybe I'll go to both!!!
  5. Too bad they don't have white...that's the one that I need. They do have some games on there that I have never heard of though that my kids would love. Wonder if the code will work on them also...
  6. I caved! Got the deal and the stand for DS. He's gonna have a FANTASTIC video game Christmas!! Love that you can pay through Paypal also!! :)
  7. I'm debating on getting this. Fantastic deal...but I just bought DS Guitar Hero for the new Nintendo DS he's getting for Xmas...does he really need one for his playstation too...?
  8. I would love to start filling out my cards, but I think that DH would kill me if I asked him to dig out the Christmas stuff already. So I guess I gotta wait until Thanksgiving...
  9. Great find! My total after shipping and tax was $9.59...awesome price. Thanks so much!
  10. We are going to be spending halloween at my dad's in Wisconsin, and apparently they not only mandate the times that kids can trick or treat there, but the DAY as well. Certain parts of the town go on Friday, and other parts of the town go on Saturday. I personally have no problem with the time mandates (from 5 - 8 pm) but who would want to tell their kids that they aren't allowed to go trick-or-treating on Friday because it's not their neighborhood's turn? That just doesn't make sense to me. Plus then you get kids out on both nights. Just seems like more of a mess to me... Luckily my dad lives in the area that gets to go Friday night so I don't have to try to explain it to my kids.
  11. I know! Is it time to start yet? Can I have my name now...can we start shopping??? I feel like Jaime during the summer exchange
  12. I'm with ya Jaimie!! Is it bad that I've already started shopping and we haven't even finished signing people up yet???
  13. I just signed up...thanks OP
  14. Thanks! I ordered navy ones for DS :)
  15. Thanks! I'm getting GH3 - Wii for my DS (and probably me). Now I'll just have to find somewhere to hide it for Christmas!
  16. My store had some kids furniture on clearance...it was located down by the picture frames for some reason...
  17. "Design is a sample only, you may or may not receive this design" I think it would be fun to see what design we got!! Too bad you have to pay for shipping
  18. Oh yeah...my target has all of their cards and xmas lights out; but the funny part is that they haven't finished putting out their halloween stuff yet. I think they may have their priorities mixed up a little
  19. Looks like the 8.5 and the 9.5 are 17.99, but the whole sizes aren't...kinda odd...
  20. I got my hoodie today...can't wait to wear it (tomorrow most likely)!!!!
  21. I didn't get mine either...guess I should call for my refund (even if it was just a little more than $3!!)
  22. My DS8 played it and LOVED it! I had to buy it at this price
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