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About LoriAnn

  • Birthday 07/15/1981
  1. And dont forget the $10 dollar rebate, making it only 41.23, thats a good deal!
  2. TF has the best MBs!
  3. No, the girl said they never do, I think I was told that before but i forgot. They didnt have anymore of the cooler I got last week. Last year I waited for it to go on clearance to buy it too and when I went back it was gone, Im just glad I got it this time! It just would have been really nice to pay only 15 dollars!
  4. I got tons of stuff in that summer section. I bought a cooler last week for 29.99 and since it was on clearance they wouldnt price adjust it! That sucks, but other than that I got great deals!
  5. I went to Farmer Jack the other night and it sucked! The only thing I saw on sale was frozen foods at 20% off, other than that no good deals. I ended up spending 50 bucks cause I needed a bunch of stuff since we were going to the zoo the next day....oh well, hopefully the sales get better soon
  6. I just tried too and its not working, it says 22.47 for me
  7. wow thats a good deal, thanks!
  8. Thanks, thats what I thought, I had a couple free item coupons that someone at work gave me but they were outdated (thanks, right, lol) I guess theyre just garbage cause I dont wanna try and look stupid and have the store mad at me!
  9. wow 50% already, they really wanna close up quick huh
  10. So has anyone else heard that Farmer Jacks were going out of business? I hear theyre gonna be closing by July 7th and that Kroger may be buying a few of them. Im not sure if Farmer Jacks are everywhere, but we have lots in Michigan, and I hear they're gonna be 30% off everything pretty soon, if not already.
  11. Does anyone know if any stores take expired manufacturers coupons?
  12. I ordered those bags too and am supposed to get em tomorrow. I have NEVER once gotten junk from them, Im sorry you had a bad experience
  13. I need a good deal on some cordless phones, preferably with 3 or 4 handsets and an answering machine, any suggestions?
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