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Everything posted by slyandell

  1. I am just about done with Target. Today I did a quick trip at lunch time since I needed to get TP and paper towels for the office. I always take my coupons with me in case I find a deal. After the gal checked me out but before she scanned the coupons, she called the manager over to show her all the coupons. She said that they have to have all coupons checked if a customer is using more than 5. Oh how Stupid! Only one out of the whole group was a printed coupon. Jeesh, nothing like making you customers feel like a criminal.
  2. Should work just fine as long as it is the same thing. The worst that can happen is that you have to return at the lower price so you are no worse off than you are now.
  3. Did I mess something up? I use the Thank You button to keep track of which Freebies and Contests I have looked at.
  4. What kind of womens levis? I am in desperate need but refuse to pay full price
  5. I am addicted to this site. Thanks everyone for all the hard work in finding all these deals.
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