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Everything posted by theacendahole

  1. Got some great deals on photo frames. Is anyone eyeing those red plastic looking chairs $39.99 marked down to $10. I am having them hold this eddie bauer luggage i found $149 marked down to $0 i dont knwo if i should get it.
  2. i got the sleeping bag. I was trying to find the bike but no luck or so I think. There was a clearance sign on the floor and a full bike rack I didnt know which one it was and since the bikes dont have scan codes I was lost. Now that I know the brand ill try again tommorow.
  3. Phoenix Walmart had it today! Hope its tommorw as well I have some more things to pick up.
  4. I got 3 ilamps! Whoo hoo! Thanx for the heads up!
  5. I got a $10 coupon so mine shoul be an even sweeter deal. Thanx!
  6. Anyone tried invinting frieds to get the 75 dollar cert?
  7. I travel alot are these good for airport in flight shoes? Also does that one size smaller count for men too?
  8. Discount ended yesterday.
  9. Well Ive been pretty active in the deal catching on this board for the last few weeks. I guess this is now my formal hello. WAASSSSSSSSUPPP!!!
  10. I should be up for over $400 in savings! Which means I need to step up my workout regiment with all this food ill be eating :)
  11. I got my stuff pretty fast. I was pleased with the service and extra $ saved :)
  12. hmm. ANyone in the slow Target states wanna take some of the stuff i bought for 50% back so I can buy it here for 75% lol!
  13. $5 six foot trees!!!
  14. The order online and pick up in store option was awesome! I wish more sales were like this
  15. Stay home. Nothing worth going for.
  16. Amazon has been my MVP store this holiday season.
  17. Both my supersaver shipping packages shipped earlier than the estimated date and I recieved my stuff with plenty of time to spare. Now Im just waiting on books I ordered from individuals from the site. Im sure they used media mail this will be a true test of patience.
  18. I was on the fence on this but saw they added a neat Blue case. for $5 had to get it.
  19. I had good luck with DeepDiscountDVD.com got got TONS of TV series sets during thier buy 1 get 1 free sales. The only problem I had was partially my fault as I waited til the very last minute in one of the sales and ordered. I paid extra for shipping but they told me that one of my items was backordered and wouldnt ship till Christmas eve. Lucky enough Frys Electronics had a sale that very weekend for the same DVD. I was able to cancel my order no problem and purchase what I needed at the store. My advice would be to jump on the sales ASAP especially the half off or buy1 get one free.
  20. Is that in store only or will that laptop be availble online at that price?
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