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Everything posted by jazzy442

  1. I have seen them in various parts of the paper every now and then.
  2. I have never heard of nor seen these anywhere around me. I will have to look them up and see what they are now.
  3. We signed up either online or in store and now receive mailings every other month or so with a $5 off of the animal coupon. We went over the weekend since it was my daughters birthday and seen this bear. It is so cute. They also have a frog I think that has hearts all over it that is cute.
  4. I seen some at Elder Beermans about 2 weeks ago. Not sure if they would still have them though.
  5. They have one at the Dayton Mall I believe.
  6. I just got back from Walgreens. I got 2 of the colorist make-ups that were clearance for $3.29 each. I used the $3 off coupon from the rebate book for this also. It only took the $3 off for one. But I did also get the 50% off the second one so still not bad. They had lots of stuff on clearance at my store. The sonicare replacement heads were $19.99 for one or $32.99 for the 2 pack. I wasn`t 100% sure but I don`t think the single pack for $19.99 was for the Sonicare toothbrush I got from bzz agent though. Hmmmmmm................
  7. Kmart also had the forms on some of the packs and a pad of them on the shelf.
  8. I didn`t see any of the giftsets at my Kmart or Christmas trees either. I really really wanted the Jennifer Lopez Live Luxe or whatever it is called.
  9. I will have to check in store on the perfume sets if I get a chance because they are not available once you try to check out.
  10. yep. it is the easiest rebates out there in my opinion. you can only request one check for the month though so make sure you wait until the end of that period to do it. :)
  11. You sign up for the rebate thing on their website. You just enter a few things off each receipt and it automatically figures out what deals you got in a couple days. Very very easy rebates. I love them. At the end of the month you go online and request your rebate and that is it.
  12. http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/Products.aspx?ItemID=1254832&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=PRD&ShowMenu=T&ShopBy=0&SearchString=inflatable+baby+cocoon&RefPage=SearchDepartment.aspx&CmCatId=EXTERNAL|SearchDepartment&mscssid=6a0f1ec958b34414c8830e06e21b4272axMnVNoV5ayoxMnVNoV5ayW200B2A02D738822EFFEE523C3481C8A6107F0800415&Search1Prod=True
  13. Your welcome. I`m so glad you liked it. I wanted to do it in purple since it`s your favorite color but couldn`t find any of the things in purple to put on the wreath. I need to make myself one like it now. I wanted to keep it after it was done. LOL.
  14. yep walmart still sells them. my tree base broke the day night i put it up this year. it was less then $6 but with the after christmas clearance you will get it cheaper. :)
  15. My husband took me by a house by his grandma`s a few years ago. There was some people that did there yard all up and in the front window you could see their tree they had hanging from the ceiling and it was spinning. It was really cool.
  16. I went to Walmart and had them price match the Target ad. Then I used 2 $4 and a $2 off coupon for the razor and refill. The cashier didn`t even really pay any attention to the coupons, just scanned them and threw them in the drawer.
  17. I love that idea. We do have a motion detector light up but that didn`t make any difference. It goes off just about every time the wind blows so I don`t check it often. That would be hilarious though with the music. I just don`t leave mine on very late now.
  18. I think maybe your daughter and my stepdaughter were separated at birth. LOL. We are going through the exact same things almost. She doesn`t sneak on the computer at home when no one is home. But she does sneak onto myspace when she is at friends homes when she knows she is only to get on that when she is home and even then she was grounded from the computer period so it was a double whammy. Just so happened I was on myspace at home when she signed on at her friends house. LOL. We have went through her going through my stuff and taking what she wants as well without asking. She has straightened out and is a honor roll student at school. So I feel for ya. As to the sneaking with the present I did it as well when I was a kid. The last time I did it my stepmom switched my gifts with my younger sister and she got everything I wanted for Christmas and I got some of her gifts that I think we just extras that my sister didn`t care about if she got or not. I was not very happy. LOL. My sister was though. I didn`t peek again.
  19. My cousin`s daughter just turned 11 and she would like that. Any make-up is cool with her as long as she has some. LOL.
  20. I also got one and used it today. I got a really really soft throw by Chris Madden regular price $29.99 on sale for $14.99 and after coupon I paid $5.62.
  21. I went to Big Lots today and tried to use this coupon. They said they do not have any current buzz coupons and this was bogus more or less.
  22. Last year someone slit my 8 foot inflatable snowman. I was actually awake when they did it and had no idea until I was going to bed and looked outside at like 1am. I was ticked but not as bad as I would have been if I hadn`t gotten it the year before for $5 on clearance. I think it was a boy that went to school with with my stepdaughter that turned into a bigger smart@$$ when my husband asked him about his manners since he would get rude when he called here for her. LOL. My neighbor said he was ready to sit up at night with his bb gun and wait and see someone going in my yard again. LOL. I try to turn my stuff off kind of early this year so it doesn`t attract as much attention in the middle of the night since you can see my house pretty good from the busier(sp?) street a few houses down.
  23. Thanks so much for bringing this up. I decided to go check stuff I had ordered and seen that the be-bratz dolls are now $10 and $10.97 on Amazon so I requested a price adjustment. I had a email with 2 minutes saying I would be receiving my credit. Yippee. LOL.
  24. I`m an adult and the earbudfs they came with it really hurt my ears as well. I absolutly hate them things.
  25. I have no idea. We just happened to get a Circuit city catalog thing in the mail and there was the coupon in it.
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