Well i was thinking the same thing when today I went to overstock and the deal was over which is bs because it said it expires at the end of the month so I drove 70 miles to a big town which i went to 3 different eb games, game crazy, Walmart, Best Buy, Circuit City, Meijer, Abc warehouse, Gamestop, Target, Toys R Us, and a few other places I found no Premium Xbox 360 deals what so ever which completely sucked but then when I drove to a town about 20 miles from where I live and went to the Walmart there they had a premium 360 with a free $50 gift card so I bought that right away.. i think its a lot better than risking getting crappy shipping service that usually ruins your product from Dell or Overstock so I am extremely happy because my local Walmart ended the $50 deal last week so this was a life saver.. Just call of the walmarts around you and ask them if they have the $50 gift card deal. The reason they do that is because the rest of the 360s they get come with the game Moto GP 06 which sucks by the way. But Im glad I got there in time because deal started 12-8 to 12-10 and I got there at 12-9 so I would hurry up and calle very Walmart because all 360 deals are officially over by the end of this week.