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Posts posted by Ragsmeow

  1. i hid a shirt for my kiddo in a dresser. when i was doing it i just had a feeling someone was watching me.... a very uneasy feeling even tho i looked around and no one was there. so i go about shopping the rest of target and later on i happen to cross the isle by the dresser and guess what i saw..... the shirt hanging up by the dresser!


    so someone was watching me...i guess from above vis security cameras.


    i dont stash anymore cause of that.

    I don't stash either. It's not worth it to me.

  2. Well, the Deep Brilliance one is by Farouk Deep Brilliance rather than by Farouk CHI. I am going to bed that the original price on these is rather inflated and that these are lower end appliances made by Farouk. I am not saying that they aren't worth the money because I don't know these specific products, but I just want to point out that you are not getting a CHI iron for this price.

    That's just what I was thinking...

  3. I got a GREAT DEAL today! Went to Target this am and on one of the Toys endcaps (didn't say Clearance) - I saw 3 of the HArry Potter Lego sets that you all had talked about a while back....so I went to scan them - Item Not Found-NO PRICE.....so went to customer service and told them and asked if they'd sell them for $5.00 each THEY DID!!!!! I bought 3 boxes of the HP Order of Phoenix for $15.00 TOTAL!!!

    Great find! CONGRATS!


    FA78017 December birthday code $10 off or FA78137 $5 first purchase code

    I found this item number 1W-210022 from another forum (angel invisible lace demi) on sale , used both codes, made the total for $11 shipped.

    That item number (1W-210022) comes up for me as a Secret Embrace Demi bra for $48.

  5. I have that "red sticker radar" as well!


    Lucked out BIG time...

    There was a Singer sewing machine that was hidden behind some others. Original price was

    159.99 marked down to 111.96. I took it to the scanner and it was 38.64! It is an 80 stitch function model. DCPI is 072120241.


    The person who hid it is going to be PO'd but it serves them right- they left the corner with the red sticker exposed on the shelf, and my red sticker radar caught it!:tongue1:


    I am kind of glad that BF is over. I get way better deals in the clearance sections, not to mention this BF was not as exciting as I had hoped.

  6. I have been disappointed with the way the liners look after washing them.


    My DS3 has a pair and after I have washed them maybe 3 times, the fuzziness just isn't there anymore. It looks rather flat and worn.


    You just have to wash the liners if you don't wear socks with them, especially if they are worn by kids.

  7. I have bought stuff from here in the past and they ALWAYS have some kind of sale. It is good for hard to find stuff that my ds wants that I can't get elsewhere cheaper. They ship pretty fast and have good customer service. At least in my experience. But you are right in the prices.

    I have bought from them in the past as well, and I was quite satisfied. They have some stuff (Bob the Builder legos) that are really hard to find anywhere else.

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