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Everything posted by smileyjj

  1. Thanks for the code! Used it on a memory foam topper.
  2. I saw the posting at the Chicopee Walmart on a banner outside on the lawn and garden fencing. 1am opening blackfriday yesterday!
  3. I saw a posted banner at out Walmart in MA saying opening at 1am. Was hanging in their lawn and garden fencing facing parking lot. Will try to get a picture of it..this was yesterday 11/6
  4. Thanks, I actually did go to gamestop and bought it for that price... Great deal. He didn't want ps3 because they didn't have the games he wanted.
  5. Believe it or not, my nephew wants the ps2 not any of the newer ones.He says there are more affordable games. Any deals out there?
  6. ps3 uncharted 2 for 40 at amazon. best ive seen so far
  7. I've had no problems with mine. Been using it now for week inside and out. I also use rechargable batteries for it. And the only thing I did was change a couple of the default settings. Good luck with yours. (Just be sure to read the booklet closely for the lighting settings and the picture quality) Factory setting was on superfine. Could make a difference on your shutter speed....
  8. BF went to CC @ 440am. Doors opened at 5 and my sister and I walked in and I picked up the $199.00 holiday bundle xbox W/ Refurb harddrive and w.controller. also got lots of games for wii for $10 or less, & blu ray movies. Went to WM next and did almost all the rest of the main shopping there, PM everything and was done till Sat. Kmart had a great deal on a Samsung dig cam w/10mpx5 zoom for 99. (came w/ mem card and case) Rest online using GD forum. Thanks
  9. I bought 2 long sleeve shirts and a jacket for my son and paid $33 w/free shipping. Bought only from 50% section and used your promo code and got the extra 25% off. Thanks this was last night...
  10. KB toys in Westfield, MA 12am. Posted in their window.
  11. 15 longggg yrs. Too many nieces, and nephews besides my own 2
  12. I tried this coupon yesterday and the store manager said it is a fake email coupon. They said that they received emails about this and to refuse them. It was pretty embarrassing when she said it was fake (out loud) and everyone in line just looked at us like we were scammers. Won't try that again!
  13. I paid 209 for mine and it included installation.(Circuit city) Make sure it has a kill start though.(shuts off if no key when brake depressed)good anti theft. Also it has life warrenty. If I sell my car, they will remove it and install it in my new vehicle for free.
  14. My dog gets chewys, and other snacks and toys in his stocking... He's like the rest of the kids, just with fur instead....LOL
  15. Actually, this camera is for 149.00 in store. online deal only according to my sister.(She works there and had them scan it.
  16. Just purchased the Sony 7.2 cyber shot for 89.84 + tax at walmart.com for in store pickup. Will be able to pick up by the 20th at the latest. Might be last day for online sale though..
  17. BF deals I got were 2-gps online from cc.picked up on bf for $124 also from cc was the 22' acer monitor for $169w/ rebate. (My husband loves it. A B'day present) Also online was the Zune for 89.00 delivered today & the the travel kit for 8.36 online through amazon. Ordered through them for the guarentee if problem with dealer(J&M). Had no problems with either....Also lots of games at KB-High School Musical 2 dvd game for 12.99 for example. Thanks for your help King Brad.....
  18. Just a follow up on the 22" Acer monitor... My husband hooked it up and its great. No dead pixels and great clarity. He loves it.
  19. My son has the 19" acer monitor for his computer and he loves it!(3rd yr college). He's never had any problem with it and his screen is crystal, sharp images... He also likes to play online games when he's on school breaks and says the response time and images are awesome. I bought the 22" acer for 169.00 after rebate for my husband for his birthday for next week. Will see how this one is. (bought at city) Hope this helps.....
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