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Everything posted by DramaQueenLucy

  1. thanks my ds11 loves this store too
  2. This is Kohl's Charge only....sorry
  3. Woo Hoo....glad that you are getting it just in time for pics of your new bundle of joy! Make sure to post pics we love baby pics here....
  4. They do them all year round and I post them every morning in the Hot Online Deals if they are any good
  5. This camera would do that...it seems like a god one and this is a really good price for it...I am picking one up for myself then using the GC for stocking stuffs or BF.
  6. $50 GC Rebate Form To complete your rebate request, please follow the mailing instructions below. Note that each rebate must be sent in a separate envelope. Read each rebate form carefully for instructions regarding rebate and proof of purchase to ensure quick and accurate service. Want to receive your rebate sooner? Instead of mailing it, submit it online right here. We'll start processing your rebate immediately. It's easy! There's no clipping, no mailing, no hassles. Prefer to mail your rebate? No problem. Just fill out the form below. Note that each rebate must be sent in a separate envelope. Read each rebate form carefully for instructions regarding rebate and proof of purchase to ensure quick and accurate service.
  7. Link to Deal http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee272/DramaQueenLucy/GottaDeal/s0290310_sc7.jpghttp://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee272/DramaQueenLucy/GottaDeal/Main-1406.jpg When a camera puts a smile on your face the moment you hold it, imagine how great you'll feel when you see your first pictures! The PowerShot SD1200 IS Digital ELPH has everything going for it - exuberant color, the sculptured style of Canon's famed ELPH series - and the innovative know-how that takes you to a whole new level of picture-taking accomplishment. Fun, smart and a style that follows you everywhere.
  8. Link to Site Best Buy and Paypal have partnered to bring you one amazing deal!!! You really never see discounts off everything but that is exactly what this is. Evidently if you purchase $100 worth from Bestbuy.com and get $20 cashback from Paypal between 11/8 - 11/14. There is nothing posted yet but there should be indications about this starting tomorrow. Super great deal if you have been wanting to get something from Best Buy but couldn't find a deal. Also have it shipped to your local store and get free shipping! PayPal Offer
  9. Link to Deal http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee272/DramaQueenLucy/GottaDeal/Main-654.jpg Built for ship-to-ship combat and bristling with turbolaser batteries, the Venator-class Republic Attack Cruiser is Grand Chancellor Palatine's personal flagship during the Clone Wars. Open the front panel to access the Chancellor's quarters, reveal the hidden wing-cannons, and drop bombs on the Separatist forces below! Includes Chancellor Palpatine, 2 elite Senate commando bodyguards, clone trooper pilot and clone trooper gunner. To be able to understand why LEGO has been successful for so long, just look to the name. LEGO originally got its name from founder Ole Kirk Christiansen by combining the Danish words "Leg Got" that means "play well" and later realized that the word LEGO in Latin translates to "I put together." The LEGO set became a standard of creative play for children around the world, unlocking the creativity to build vehicles, buildings, cities and more. Most historians point to the invention of the wheel as a major turning point in world history. The invention of the LEGO wheel had the same monumental effect in the history of LEGO, making it possible to create cars, trucks and eventually the LEGO train building set that is one of the most successful LEGO sets of all time. LEGO innovation continues to this day with product lines like DUPLO that was created in 1969 for smaller hands and still thrives. Movie tie-ins, such as LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Indiana Jones Adventures and LEGO SpongeBob are some of the most popular sets. The Sci-Fi LEGO Bionicle sets have a huge following but the number one selling LEGO set of all time is The LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System. Over 1 million of these sets were sold around the world. In 2009 LEGO introduces the next generation LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0! LEGO currently produces about 20 billion LEGO bricks a year and has sold over 400 billion LEGOs in their history -- enough for every person on the planet to have over 60 LEGOs each!
  10. thanks Brad if it helps I couldn't sleep last night so I was posting deals at 2 am.......lol
  11. We are currently recruiting respondents to participate in a paid online bulletin board scheduled to take place between Tuesday, November 17th and Thursday, November 19th OR Tuesday, December 1st and Thursday, December 3rd. Respondents are required to log in once in the morning and once in the afternoon/evening all 3 consecutive days. Compensation for the 3 day online bulletin board is $75. Please click on the link below and answer a few screening questions to determine if you qualify for this study. http://www.focusfwd.com/
  12. First Post updated! Next 30% off NOVKC30 30% off (valid 11/11 - 11/18)
  13. link to deal http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee272/DramaQueenLucy/GottaDeal/Main-2047.jpg Basic travel set that is perfect to get from point A to B. The travel set features a brown exterior made up of durable and quality material. The interior of each piece has the right amount of room for your traveling needs. The pieces are easy to carry through crowed airports and thoroughfares.
  14. $125 Online Bulletin Board from 11/10-11/12 http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=qtmu_2bW8yxLOxUD8xk1XVhw_3d_3d
  15. BOSTON - $250 in home interview. $75 for family/friends to participate with you 11/10-11/11 http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=NdIQ4yRfXE4_2f2lPAO2NhnQ_3d_3d
  16. Thanks Brad
  17. Welcome to gotta deal!
  18. I have to agree with that...that addictive rush!
  19. It is ok you win some and lose some...lol I need a girl small the only one that they had was one that she doesn't like...oh well.
  20. They didn't have anything in the sizes I need
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