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Posts posted by peekaboo

  1. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I seen next weeks Big Lot ad and they have it again plus an emerson 4gb also for $50.00. So I still have all of next week and shop around and look at others and compare.


    Thanks Hanna's Momma for the 2 you suggested, they both look nice. I liked the first one, is that a reliable name on that one?

  2. Does anyone know anything about the Coby MP3 Players? Big Lots has one that is a 4GB with Touch Screen for $50.00. My DD wants a touch screen Ipod but I do not feel she is responsible enough for one my nephew has one and she loved it but it was $200.00. I am not ready to put that out for something she may not take care of properly. So I seen this and thought it was a great deal but do not know anything about Coby. Any input would be appreciated. :yup:
  3. Sorry I am just writing now but are computer is off unitl after xmas and I have been off from work on vacation days so this is the first chance I got to write. I received my SS last Friday when I got home from work - nice surpise. MY dd was so excited she kept asking if I was going to open it now because she wanted to see what I got so I could not resist and wait until christmas to open it. I loved everything. I got a snowman stocking which I just love. Both my dd and her father has their own special stockings and I am the only one in the house with a regular red one so now I have my own speical one too and can hardly wait until we hang them. I also got a no flame candle with snowmen on it. How did you know I needed one of these? I want to put a candle in my bathroom but since it is upstairs I will not leave one burning so needles to say this has a home already, love it. I also received a box of retro candy with some cool candy from the past - my dd loves that one. I also received burst bee set which is really nice, I can hardly wait to use it. Needles to say my Secret Santa did a wonderful job with my stuff and I love it all. Thank you soooo much SS I loved everything. Have a great christmas everyone and a happy new year.
  4. My Target has the Camp Rock ones for $10.00 clearance also Pirates of the Carribean I think was $20.00 Does anyone know anything about these Disney Mix MP3 players? I was very temped to get it for the price, I know they are usually $40.00 but I do not know much about them. Has anyone else ever bought one or heard anything about them?
  5. I just came back from Rite Aid and got the best deal I could get. I had 2 $30.00 giftcards for transferred subscriptions so I bought both for $52.98 , which was free for me :D. Then I went into my car and looked at the DVD's and noticed the coupon right on the Camp Rock dvd so I went back into the store and showed the lady and she did a return and then rang them up again and took off the $10.00 so I payed $42.98 which again was free but now I have $17.00 left on my giftcard instead of $7.00. I love those transfer giftcards. Two christmas gifts down for my DD. :yup:
  6. I do not have my ad with me but I just took a look on line and I am wrong I am sorry.It is for PS2 at Circut City. Where they put the price I thought it was for the wii and they were listing $169.00 as the normal price. I am sorry for the mispost for the wii. Though $100.00 still good for PS2.
  7. I will check when I go home and post it this evening. I think it might of been Circut City but not 100% sure. I am going to take the ad to Walmart and have them do a price match. No that is not the normal price for the PS2. My walmart has it for $149.00.
  8. Rock Band bundle is on sale for both WII and PS2 this week for $100.00. I want to get it and put it away for X-mas for my daughter but I do not know which system it is better on. I have only played it on X-box. Please give me your opinion on which system you think it is better on.


  9. Does anyone know anything about Virgin Mobile pre paid phones? I just bought one for $20.00 for my daughter to put away for chirstmas. I was told I got a real good deal on it but I dont really know much about it. Can anyone give me some insight on this phone? The pro's and con's ?



  10. I received my SS last Friday, Sorry i have not posted but I have not really been on the forum for about a week. It has been a hectic week. Thank you Soooo much Secret Santa I love all the stuff I got. I received a snowman statue that is so unique and cool, yankle candle votives all in x-mas scents (can hardly wait to burn the christmas cookie one - smells soo good), slipper socks with a snowman on it - I LOVE snowmen. They are so cute and soft. I also received a lotion set - candy apple. I have not opened it yet to smell it but I bet ya it smells awesome. Thanks a bunch Secret Santa I LOVE everything.
  11. Thanks to everyone for their replies. I got the Guitar this morning. One of the stores that I called in my area yesterday told me to check whene they get shipments (mon-wed-fri) first thing in the morning and if they get one they can hold it for me. Well I called after 8:00 AM today and they got 2 in so my parents went to pick it up for me. I was talking about the real one for 69.99. My dd is going to be soooo happy on X-mas morning with this gift.
  12. I am totally clueless about Ipods and mp3 players. Do not know the difference between them and which ones are good which ones are not. I need some help to know what way to go with this. My daughter wants an Ipod for Xmas and I do not know where to start and what I am looking for in one. People tell me mp3 players offer more accessories then ipods. So I need a little advice on which one you think is better and what I need to look for.


  13. I have to agree with you Ubberfemme my daughter is the same way. Everything is either Hanna Montanna and High School Musical. I actually lucked out this past Saturday and was able to get her tickets to the concert here in December. Her dad was going to go too but they could not get 3 seats together so it will just be me and my daughter. Should be alot of fun, I am really looking forward to it. This is her first concert.
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