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Everything posted by rebecca7675

  1. Nope. Just go to your store and shop!! They had a ton more stuff in my store than online! The prices were a little cheaper and some things too!
  2. I sent DH last night on the way home from work. My DS has a cough too. Hopefully there is something left later. I have to wait too:(
  3. Anyone is Michigan see anything yet? With a windchill of -3 I am not going out unless I have too!
  4. We got these at Christmas and my ds loves them. The box they come when shipped was huge! Just an FYI.
  5. It was marked down at my store. In fact it was just that and few other items that were ticketed. I thought that was fast!
  6. I know where Hillman is!! My friends have a cottage there!! We have a house in Gaylord but live downstate.
  7. It is sad. We checked out one of them this weekend and the sales were pretty good. My sister is devestated as this is only place they usually get furniture.
  8. I usually don't shop those but might be worth a stop there. Did you think it was worth it? The sales and stuff left when you were there?
  9. Lots of activity here too. Finally marking all that needs to be 30% in toys. Marked some 50% but not many. I knew it would be next week since we did not even have all the toys marked down once yet.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. I looked and looked and really only found a few things I really want when it goes 75%. Last year I got a ton!
  11. Everything at ours was 75% but the gift sets I was hoping even scan a few of them.
  12. I am going to head out tomrrow to check toys are ours usually go on Thursday. Anyone find them marked down today? I know some of the stores go on Wednesday.
  13. Ours has The collectible village pieces. For example- Snow Village, Dickens village etc. They also have other different collectibles. It is the stuff you see in other stores just all in one place.
  14. We have had it for a few weeks now and my ds 4 likes the I spy book, Cars, Kung Fu Panda. He has a few more and they all keep his attention. He really likes the games at the end of them. But those three are the ones he comes back to over and over. I love the system so far as he seems to be learning some reading and sounds from it.
  15. Finally 90% off here too! Got in and out very qucikly then took ds to school and went to another one. Saved some money and got a good friend a tree she was looking for. I saw some stash too as I was looking for other things but I left it. I was laughing though as I had not seen anyones before. I am too afraid to stash.
  16. So after I drop ds off i am off to Target yet again. If it doesn't happen today I give up. It just wasn't meant to be.
  17. I was about to ask the same thing. I did hear Ann Arbor was 90 from a neighbor.
  18. Checked three here this morning all 75% even the managers were surprised it hadn't gone yet.
  19. WOW! Thanks there is one in a mall not too far away.. My mom collects it so I may have to head out there tomorrow.
  20. Since he was at Home Depot which is close he ran over to another Target and it is 75% there too. Scanned things there too. I am surprised becaus usually I hear about one in Michigan and all the rest are the same. i guess not today.
  21. I was thinking the same about the toy clearance. I was hoping for today though. Only because my ds does not have school on mondays. But he is so used to Target shopping it really doesn't bother him.
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