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Everything posted by gryphon

  1. I've also had two instances of issues with CC and their inventory. First, I did the in-store pickup and the item was not in stock when I arrived. They had to get one from another store. Never got the gift card either but whatever, I left with my item after a 30 minute wait. Second, drove to a store to purchase an item that their internet site said was in stock. Turned out it wasn't so I had a sales associate pull up the site - it still said it was in stock even though they had not had the items for weeks. CC needs to work on their inventory system! In their defense, the local employees are trying to work with a broken system and you can often find very good deals on their website (just choose home delivery!). On a seperate rant, I was amazed to see two Wii boxes on display at my local CC over the weekend. Turned out they were empty display items. Not cool!
  2. Walmart.com has a bundle available. From what people have said earlier in the thread, you can return the games you don't want to the store (if you intend on doing this, verify the return policy before you plunk down the $550 for the pack).
  3. The wii comes with the console, one wiimote, one nunchuck, the Sports game, a standard A/V cable (the 3 wire, red, yellow, white thing), batteries for the Wiimote (2 AA), the sensor bar, and the plug adaptor thing. You can run it right out of the box, no extras needed unless you want a second wiimote and nunchuck and other games. You'll need a classic controller or gamecube controller if you want to buy certain games online (like the Super NES or Nintendo 64 games). You can play the old NES games with just the wiimote.
  4. It's still available, I just got offered one. http://www.toysrus.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=2290641&cp=2255974.2290625.2290630 You have to just keep trying.
  5. Rumor is you can return just the games to the store and keep the console.
  6. Walmart bundles still in stock. 6AM Central http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5303671
  7. Does anyone know if any stores released Wiis this morning? Or are they just being #$!@& and waiting until the last minute?
  8. Fairly reliable rumor for those interested in consoles: -Target and Circuit City will each receive shipments this weekend (12/9 and/or 12/10) -WalMart and Best Buy will each receive shipments next weekend (12/16 and/or 12/17)
  9. You can get classic controllers shipped to you from circuitcity.com, can't you? It says they're available.
  10. There's a rumor about a blog out there that has specific data on what stores are getting how many units. I'll find out what it is and post it tomorrow!
  11. This site: http://www.ps3seeker.com/wii/index.php?p=60675 is now saying TRU and Target are possibly restocking for the 10th. This morning it had no data. In other news, the console I scored at Circuit City online yesterday got hung up in a FedEx warehouse. Why oh why didn't I remember their store pickup option???? Now I have a controller, Zelda, Excite Truck, and no way to use any of it.
  12. I heard a few days ago that some stores would be releasing units this Sunday (the 10th) but now it looks like there's going to be some kind of Black Friday Two the following week at some stores. So, I'm willing to bet they're hoarding them for that event. Wish the stores weren't so mysterious. Supporting this theory of hoarding for next week: I noticed today that this website, the Wii Tracker has switched all the "Next Delivery" dates from the 10th or 11th to either "No Data" or the 17th. I guess they want people to be in a panic about Christmas!?!?!?! Here's the site: http://www.ps3seeker.com/wii/index.php?p=60675 Good luck to everybody still looking! I'll keep my eye open online.
  13. Got a wii from circuit city online this morning plus extra controllers. Good luck to you all and thanks for your help.
  14. That's ridiculous. As big as Wal Mart is they should have more than that by now. Wonder if that's just a line of bull or the buyer at WM just wasn't on the ball.
  15. Does this mean they won't be releasing any next Sunday (the 10th) either?
  16. Where did you score them online? Best Buy didn't sell any today. I think they're holding them for next week for some reason.
  17. I was actually at the one on Howard in Evanston.
  18. I was #50 in line at a Best Buy in Chicago on Sunday. They gave out about 40 tickets it looked like. I got in line at 8:55 so I'd say half an hour would give you a good chance at some stores. It really depends on the store I guess.
  19. Best Buy's phone message says they don't know when they're getting more Wii's. They said on Sunday that they'd be getting some more the following Sunday. Anyone know if they'll be selling them this Sunday or not?
  20. So if you go to a Black Friday sale and they open the doors, do you like rush the electronics department if you want the Wii or what? I can see just a mad dash for the PS3 and Wii and that's just not cool. Is that what goes on at these sales? I think I'll stake out a Target on Sunday morning for that big shipment.
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