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  1. Does anyone remember when the "secret" sales were first posted last year??
  2. I know the Meijer Stores sell them right next to the cash registers.....and boy are they yummy!
  3. Not to sound ungreatful or anything, but you wouldn't believe the sheer amount of crap people give you when you have a baby. I had no idea until I had my daughter 9 months ago. People tend to forget about the really important things and focus and buying the fluffy stuff. One of the things people forgot to buy me were newborn socks...believe it or not, you can find really nice socks at dollar stores. Thats where I get all of my daughters socks. Childrens books are nice too. I was very happy when relatives got the baby books. I ended up with 7 nasal plungers.....onesis are always a safe bet too.
  4. Here's a great deal I just stumbled across. The Rite Aid flier for this week has Scotch Brand Heavyweight/Reversible wrapping paper on sale for .99 and right under it is a coupon for $1.00 off one Scotch Paper Cutter or roll of Scotch gift wrap.
  5. If Walmart had decent BF items to begin with , they wouldn't need a round 2.
  6. I just called my local friendly walmart......they ARE matching bf ads for EXACT items and no one is in line for the computers yet......sweet
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