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Everything posted by randiecipper

  1. got it last week just by asking if they knew when more would be in...instead the cashier said, hang on, they are in the back, just not unpacked and she went and got me one...who hoooo////
  2. would rethink the soy milk for boys...it causes estrogen like problems...check out google for more info
  3. Got it for the kids, but I spend more time with it. DS5,DD10 and 12 love Dance Dance Rev, I wish it had better music, but you definitely get a workout...and the adults that we have had over, all had to try it. Confession, we use GAMEFLY to preview before we buy. RIght now we (okay, I HAVE) 1 month and about 31 hours on it and atill have about 1/2 way to go. I personnaly would not buy this one because I can't see playing it once I finish all the levels. My 5yo loves to sit and watch me and the 10 yo old play. We then have the "Too COol for WI" 16 yo help with the hard parts. Just a note, Zelda has a lot of completed twists and we found that we enjoyed the game much more when we went on line and printed out the hint sheets. We actually play it longer and enjoy it more....
  4. Some prob here. I ordered a part for my dryer and it was supposed to be next day air,instead, it shows 3 day select and NO delivery date can be found!!!! My clothes are piling up, guess what I'll be doing on my day off!!!
  5. An easier way to speak to someone in the US is to press the number for Spanish, that will get you to to a US operator and then they can either help you in English or route to someone here. I tried the hang up and call again, and it took over 15 tries!!!
  6. ordered the Zune stone thru google, got it 3 days later...so far I have oredered and no problems....sorry for you...MERRY CHRISTMAS
  7. I went back and hd them price adjust for the Christmas stuff i so diligently bought 3 weeks ago...lol...they couldn't believe that i wanted a refund, but gave it anyway!
  8. Just bought two oval rugs, reg $24.99, wih coupons $4.99 each...woo hoo...the cashier wanted to know where I got the coupon so she could get one as well. Unfortunately, all they had were the small ovals and the $69.00 large ovals, didn;t think 20 off of 69 was that great of a deal...but thanks, going back tomorrow for more!!!
  9. help!!! I keep getting a damaged file message and I wanted to go there today...can someone email me this please:blush:
  10. My Walmart had a bunch of them in the electronic dept next to the registers and they were marked down from $39 to $15. So I picked one up, had noidea they were so expensive!
  11. Okay, the final update. called corporate and they had no explanation for any of it, only that they were sorry, but wouldn;t refund the outerware difference. They said that as far as they knew, the sale was for 30% and only on selected jackets. i pointed out that the signs were plastered all over the store and had to come from corporate, but got no where. After 20 minutes of being transferred up the corporate chain, I finally got a person who apologized and then said she would send me a $20 gift card. I politely explained to her that I would still be short $15, and she said sorry, but no go. I then immediately called up the ON store, ended up talking to another manager who said, no prob, just stop by today and I will refund the difference. Since DH was heading down that way for a meeting, he stopped in and we received the $16.72!!! Woo hoo....
  12. Sorry, computer was down!! The package had a doll, a guitar,the sound stage....looked realy nice and it IS the web page item. But, the price was $39, not $20. I'll be there again today and let you know if they markde it down further!!
  13. This is the reply I received late this afternoon. Guess I will call in the morning and let y'all know the result...thanks for all the info!! Dear Randie and Robert, Thank you for your e-mail. We are sorry to hear of your disappointing Old Navy shopping experience at our Folsom location. We try very hard to hire and train friendly, courteous, and helpful employees so your shopping experience is fun and easy, and we hope that every visit to our stores is characterized by professional and efficient service. If you would like to speak with us further regarding this matter, please contact our Customer Relations department at 1-800-OLD-NAVY, option 4, option 1 and then option 2. Our hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday, 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Sincerely, Melissa Customer Service Consultant
  14. I plan on calling their office today as well. What really gets me is that if they tell me to go back to the store, that's a few dollars in gas that's out of pocket as well......this could have been handled right then and there but the store "manager" sounded like she was all of 18!!! lol
  15. Just returned from Costco yesterday and the Hannah Montana set marked down $20 fom $59.99 to $39.99! DD now has her birthday present! woo hoo....They had half of pallet of them left. Almost every single toy was marked off anywhere from $5 to as much as $40 off. They also had one Smartcycle there as well and a huge display of the Disney MP3 players. About half of the Christmas decorations were also marked down, bu it was more random.
  16. Here's a copy of what I sent them after i got home. Geez, and then after I checked, they never even entered the 20% off code I gave them....:mad: Will let you all know how corporate responds....not holding my breath! Today, I shopped at the Folsom, California (6151) store with my two daughters and son. We had driven 50 miles from our home to specifically shop at your store for an outfit for their Christmas play. When we walked into the store, there were LARGE signs stating that all outerwear was 50% off. With that in mind, I gave my daughters a price range and told them that they were free to choose witin that range. They both picked a vest that had a zipper with toggle buttons and a fleece pile non-detachable hood. The signs all around this display clearly stated that ALL outerwear was 50% off. Further, there were numerous other jackets and vests under this sign. We put two vests in the cart and then proceeded to find appropriate long sleeve shirts. After we were done, my 5 year old son found a hat and a pair of gloves that had another large sign that said 2 for $10, and clearly stated that you must buy two items for that price to be honored. When we reached the register, we placed our items on the table and watched while the clerk rang them up. First, she rang the hat and gloves and they both rang up at full price. When I questioned the price, I was told that the discount price only applied if you bought two of the same items, so I would need to purchase either two gloves or two hats. Furthermore, the hat rang up at $9.50 and even though it was the same style and size as the other toddler hats, it was not $7.50. She further stated that the 2 for price was for identical items and that applied no matter which item it was, to get the sales price I needed to buy either two hats or two pairs of gloves, not one of each. I do not get that. First of all, why must I buy two pairs of the same gloves? Does this mean that you expect parents to buy two hats and two gloves at a time? Why does not your sign CLEARLY state that the price only applies for hats or gloves, not a combination. You even mark them with the same price tags, and group them together. A reasonable person with reasonable intelligence could not fail to think that the items were in the same sales category. Since I had not budgeted to spend $17 for a hat and gloves, I had to choose and had a very unhappy, gloveless 5 year old. Next, the vests were rung up and they rang at full price. The cashier then informed me that vests were not outerwear and that the 50% did not apply. Are you all serious? When I asked for an explanation, she told me that corporate considers them to be year round clothing and not outerwear. She also proceeded to tell me that these items could be even worn in the summer. I politely noted that the only place that these could be worn as summer clothing would be somewhere near the Artic Circle. She said that she would be happy to wear this in the summer. I guess she is unaware that summer here means 110+ degree temperatures. I also was a little frustrated with her flip attitude. Now, I had two more unhappy children with no outfits for their play. The clerk decided that the sign above them stating $20 would be the sales price and that the computer hadn't been updated and so she marked them down to $20.00. I paid my $68.55 and left the store, spending $20 more then I should have based on your own signs, and leaving a pair of gloves behind. When I got home, I called up several of the other moms in our group and questioned them about the definition of outerwear, not one agreed with your clerk. Around here, people wear vests as outerwear with a sweater for most of the winter. They are not considered indoor wear! And the fact that the vests had a piled-hood convinced them even more so. The little fact about the two identical item rule cemented their minds that Old Navy is not a family friendly place in this economy. The result? I called your store manager and even she agreed that the vests were outerwear but told me that only corporate could change that and suggested I call and email you. She had no answer about the two gloves or two hats rule. Based on my experience, I can only determine that Old Navy is more interested in false and misleading advertising then honoring displayed prices. As far as I am concerned, your store will not be getting my business anymore. I have been buying clothing for my children for over 10 years at your stores, at times driving over an hour and a half to the nearest store. No longer will I waste my time and money at your establishments. The other moms in my group have also agreed that Old Navy is no longer worth the long drive to shop for overpriced clothing and deceptive advertising practices. I will be forwarding this letter to other concerned parties who are better able to regulate these type of business practices. Sincerely Yours,
  17. AHHHHHH. Had this problem with the satellite company, I kept getting outsourced to India. The solution? Press whatever number for Spanish and presto, you get a line in the US, then when the person comes on, apologize for hitting the wrong number and they transfer you in state....
  18. woo hoo!! used the new coupon and this set will be off to Germany in time for christmas....ds and dil love this show! Thanks form the heads up and I sent the link to EVERYONE I know!!! lol
  19. here in placerville, just came back with my $29.99 upconvert DVD player, an they stil had about 25 of them left at 5:30...store looked busy, but still could pick up most of the electronic (5 big TVs left, 7 Compaq computers) stuff...
  20. okay, I have been using this place for 5 years nnow, they are CHEAP and very fast... https://www.promisechecks.com/ 9 Personal check designs priced for maximum savings as low as $4.95 per box! (I buy mine when they go on sale for $3.95/box) Attractive, clear backgrounds surpass all bank check quality standards.
  21. I was in Walmart and in the camera department they had a Kodak camera accessory bag that contained a charger with 4 AA batteries for under $20. The great thing was that the charger could also be used for AAA(batteries not included). Plus, you get a pretty good size camera bag as well plus a couple of other accessories that I don't remember...
  22. got this for my 20 yo ds, dh wore it out, so I went and got him another for his stocking....we found out that it can't guess mongoose,try it:2dog: !!
  23. Our local Walmart was out, but KMart had one for $9.99 and will PM....
  24. http://www.buy.com/prod/creative_zen_nano_512mb_mp3_player_voice_recorder_512mb_flash_memory_lcd_red/q/loc/14982/203122774.html this one is the same deal as earlier, just in red.....
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