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Everything posted by andybrooke

  1. When they clearance out the dollar section, it usually goes by the color of the "dot" on the pricetag. (all green dots or all red dots..ect..) it doesnt matter if it is $1.00 or the $2.50. HTH :)
  2. Thanks everyone! I think that I will check out dicks and walmart. I looked at my local goodwill today and they didnt have anything. I had tried Meijer last night, but they were too picked over and didnt have my sons size.
  3. Im in need of soccer cleats for ds, 9. I just got the email that soccer practice is starting on Thursday. Im in Columbus, OH area.. Does anyone have any ideas as to where I should start to look for a pair of cleats for him? This is our first year.. I dont want to spend a ton on these, was hoping $20 or under... Thanks!
  4. I picked up a $3 Juniors shirt (size small) at the store and compared it to a little girls 10/12 size, not very much different.
  5. Was at Home Depot, Hamilton Rd, Columbus, OH. They had weeping cherry and weeping pussy willow trees at 14.97.. I picked up a few, most were originally 79.99. Also, all lilac bushes were 9.97 which where originally 25 - 30 dollars and dogwood bushes were 3.97 originally about $15.
  6. That is a cute picture. I voted for you. Good Luck! Hope you win!
  7. I agree with her. I would not set foot in that Target again. I may possibly shop there again only if the main manager apologized to me about the issue and stated that he would speak with the cashier about the issue. I have ran across rude employees before, I think that it just depends on the level of rudeness. I do think that they should have given her the seat for the stated price as well. It was Target's mistake that the seat was showing the wrong price. How many other items does target clearance for 75% off? (not that this was a clearance item, or she was asking for a clearance price, its the principal that target does mark down prices on many of their items, target will not go out of business for giving her a $15 discount on just one particular item) There are a couple of places that I will not shop at because I feel that I was not treated nicely.
  8. Its not working. The link was based off of a gottadeal's competitor's site. The competitor changed their website overnight last night and the JSchuman/Target thread on that site doesn't work as it used to.
  9. After over a year of looking... I finally found the 10 pack of Juice!!! They only had 1, but it was exciting to find. I couldnt find anything in the housewares section I found my daugher a makeup set.. orig 9.99 -- 2.48. Thought it was a good find, but it is bad, now there is glitter all over the house. 3 pack flannel boxers 2.48, mens pj pants 2.48, both originally 9.99. Also found a bra 75% off. All clearance seems pretty much picked over at my store..
  10. That's sooo sad... If my hubby found something that he really liked ANYWHERE and the price was good, I would go ahead and get it for him. But... my hubby shops mainly at walmart, kmart and target.. We dont go too often to the stores in the mall. Oh.. I did see a commercial for Target last night, they are going to get Converse shoes soon! I thought that was pretty sweet! I wonder if that lady would have been as snobby if her hubby picked up some converse tennis shoes at Target??
  11. I may be wrong, but I remember shopping the Global Bazaar with my tax refund last year. I bought stuff at 75% off. It could have been right after valentines day as the dollar spot was 75% off at that time as well. So im thinking maybe the 2nd week of Feb?
  12. It appears that some things on their site have been discounted further today. Im not sure if they give price adjustments or not, but you may want to check it out.
  13. For everyone who got transformers, what type of transformers did you find? I may have to venture out for a hunt. :)
  14. Darn, wish I would have known about the coupon yesterday. I picked up 1 conditioner at the clearance price and paid. I could have got two for free! Where do you find the coupon, is it in their ad? Maybe I will check to see if they still have some tomorrow.
  15. The roaster I found was a black 16 qt. Its the Rival brand. I was with the other roaster's and wasnt' marked. I came accross this at the polaris store in Columbus, OH. I have heard that there is another one floating around that is 18qt and has the buffet inserts.
  16. WOW.. what an amazing deal!!!
  17. This is one thing that I LOVE about gottadeal. Most of the people on here are nice and willing to help other posters. I have lurked around on other websites similar to this one. I pretty much stay away from them, (except for the occasional lurk) they are constantly bashing each other. Of course, we will always have a few "bad apples" on gottadeal, but compared to the other guys, we have the best people,and the best mods, hands down!
  18. Yesterday, I went to Polaris. Today I hit Easton and Graceland. Really, no one had much left. Easton had a bunch of the calendars, Graceland had a bunch of the girl's PJ pants. Other than that, both stores didn't have much left at 90%. Christmas was pretty much just bows, some cards, ornament hooks, ect.
  19. Went back to 2 Columbus, OH Target stores today. I was able to find more Kids heavy fleece PJ sets for $1.49. Also, Graceland target had a bunch of girls 2 pair PJ pant's sets for $1.49 each, grabbed 3 packs, different colors. (all PJ's not marked, but scanned 90% off!) I was able to find the Baby Phat perfume set, originally $29.99, not marked, but scanned at 90% off as well. Found this in the cosmetics isle. The cashier nearly had a Heart attack when she scanned this!! She even said "are you serious??" she was really nice, and couldnt believe what a deal that was. I was also able to find one of those ornament sets, 90% off. A chrismas CD at 90% off. I got some poppycock in christmas tins at 50% off and some planters chocolate covered nuts at 50%. I also found transformers and cars calendars at 90% off, these were located near the books. Oh, I forgot to post yesterday. Came accross a rude Target employee. I almost wanted to report her. I was trying on shoes, I had that big roaster in my cart and like 4 shoe boxes, which kept wanting to fall off my cart. I was in the middle of trying on a pair, when my boxes fell off. I picked them up and set them next to my cart, so I could continue trying on shoes without worrying about them falling. She came over to me from the next dept over, and said "I know you are going to pick these up!" I said, "Well, I am in the middle of trying them on. Once I know which ones I am going to buy, the other ones will go on the shelf." Then she decided to say how sick she is of customers leaving the area messy." I think that she needs a new job.
  20. They were heavy fleece.. They had a red "gifttag" on them. Must have been some sort of christmas gift set. I found these in the boys section.
  21. I was able to find boys PJ's today for 90% off. They are like 2 sizes too big for DS, but he is wearing them anyways. :) Christmas was almost down to nothing at my store, there were only a few ornament hooks, chrimstmas cards and bows left. I did pick up some cards and some shirt boxes. I also was able to find the 16 qt roaster, the last one in my store!!! Thanks for posting this, I would have never known that it was 75% off, there were no red stickers at all on it. I also was able to find 2 pairs of womens shoes 50% off, and a pair of leather sneakers 75% off! I was in terrible need of some new shoes, so I feel like I made out like a bandit. All of this was only 49.00 total!
  22. I was thinking that maybe I would check Polaris sometime this weekend. I havent been to Tuttle in a long time.. its sort of far from me. Thanks for the good luck!
  23. wow! i may need to go out tomorrow. Im in Ohio too.. which mall did you go to? If i may ask..
  24. Dollar Spot was also 50% off in my store yesterday. All green dot and orange dot. They didnt include the batteries in the sale this time though
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