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Posts posted by andybrooke

  1. I am really not happy with this ad. Kohls has sales like this all the time! I see a few good deals....but not enough for me to go there as one of my first stops. I didn't see too much that was so drastically different then the big sales they have on a regular day.

    Ive always felt this way about Kohls BF ads, this doesn't seem out of the norm to me at all. To some, its great... it just keeps them out of my BF stores. I am patiently waiting for Meijer, Walmart, Target and Menards. Hopefully those stores will have a few things that I am in need of this year. :) If not, not a big deal, I will go out and just people watch.

  2. I am stalking a Casio wk-200 keyboard for one of my boys. Its is regular $199 on clearance for $99. If anyone sees these go to $50 please post. The Hillcrest Target has 2 I am going to check the Greenbriar one in the morning. TIA It has to go to $50 for me to stay in budget.

    I went ahead and bought one in Columbus, OH for the $99 price. I was worried I wouldn't catch it at $50. Ive been to 3 other Targets in our area and they are still selling them for full price. If I find one at $50, I will post.

  3. I went out and got an N router.. they didnt have any $29.00 ones, so I ended up with a $59.00 linksys. (hate paying full price, but this seemed like an emergency for my sanity... lol)


    Once I had the new router, set up on the blu ray was quick and easy! We are streaming netflix right now!


    I figured it was a good thing to update my router anyways... we are getting an xbox for christmas and we might want to do some online stuff with that. :o)


    Thanks everyone for your help. I LOVE gottadeal!!!

  4. I just got back from Walmart after reading this thread. I took back the 5120 and they had 2 left of the 5130 so picked it up. This was to be for a family gift with a subscription for a year to netflix, but now I am thinking since we are all home until Tuesday(kids go back to school) maybe I should open it up and make sure it works. I do have an N router so I think will try it out with a trial membership to netflix. I will then give the gift certificate for a year to all on Xmas. Thanks everyone for letting me know about this.

    Please let me know if it works 4 u. I might run out and get an N router

  5. I just don't see ads with deep discounts like past years. Where are all the big discounts on laptops, tv's, mp3's, cameras? Where are the few toys in the ads discounted to 70-90% off? Where are the $5.00 jeans? I hope Walmart and Kmart put out a good ad this year. Target has the best ad published so far. Maybe the retailers will throw out some secret deals that are not printed in the ad. Everything except for Target's ad just looks like a regular sale to me.
  6. We see these same comments year after year after year, lol.


    And then the Target, BB and WM ads hit and everyone gets all excited again. Like clockwork. Every year.

    Yes... I cant decide if it will be a good year until the ads come out to the places that I will go to.... Target, Kmart, BB, and Wally World.

  7. i think we've typed up the same ad from kohl's the last 3 or 4 years. it's the same stuff. ugh. i'm going to bed, lol.

    ...and I have never been impressed with their ad.


    But I am very excited that it is out! First major ad of my area. Thanks so much Brad for typing it up anyways. :)

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