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Everything posted by flyjar

  1. Holy Sound Bars Batman. There are a ton in the ad. Looks they've beat Target on most of their prices.
  2. http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-HalfPriceBooks-BF2017.pdf
  3. Come one Brad give us the good stuff, these are all just teasers.
  4. Young Frankenstein - That cranky kid that got dragged out of bed (still in his PJs with bead head) because his mom wanted to get the best deals.
  5. Awesome. Wow things really don't change that much from year to year.
  6. That sucks, I refuse to shop on Thanksgiving and usually go out at midnight. Ooo.. missed that cool.
  7. A promotion at work. A 4-8 Channel IP video surveillance system for my home. Regarding your dilemma, I keep a running Amazon wish list now and update it about once a month, updating it's lowest price and/or price I'm willing to pay, removing things I no longer want or have received.
  8. Batteries and poinsettias from Home Depot. DVDs and Blu-Rays - obviously different from the ones I own.
  9. The only perceived problem I can see is if your bottom pole it tapered cutting this off might pose a problem for how it goes into the stand. I have a 10 foot artificial tree and the bottom row of branches was too wide and too low to the ground. I simply unbent the wire and remove the bottom row, now it's perfect. A little different than your situation, but if after you cut it if the bottom row is too low then you can do what I did.
  10. Nieces and Nephews. Sent from my Computer using Chrome
  11. Hoping for a good deal on Star Wars Battlefront 2 and maybe COD: WWII. Sent from my Work computer using Chrome
  12. I want to get a nice 42-55" TV for the bedroom ($500+), then I need the sound bar ($200+), then I need replace the furniture ($500+)because the armoire that was holding the TV won't hold the new one. It's a vicious cycle and unfortunately one that must be done. Pnambic - I love that chart I show my friends that all the time when they want to throw their money away on a super high end TV and they sit miles away from the TV to see any of the benefits.
  13. Lego B1G1 50% off, not bad I'll have to see what they have.
  14. Anyone know what games the Microsoft Store is going to have on sale? Their BF website just says: "Save up to 50% Score huge savings on select Xbox games, starting 11/24"
  15. Save 20% at Amazon for both if you have Amazon prime.
  16. While I somewhat agree I know for the Xbox One you can add an external drive pretty easily and you can find a 2TB for about $50 and a 4TB drive for about $100. X1 500GB for $250 X1 1TB for $300 X1 500GB + 2TB External for $300 X1 500GB + 4TB External for $350
  17. Someone was talking about doing Black Friday Bingo, I might have to try that this year.
  18. Do you know what time they are closing? Found it, they are closing at 1am.
  19. Is Best Buy staying open all night this time?
  20. Ha, I knew it was too early for them.
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