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Everything posted by crwidow

  1. You probably saw it at Best Buy. They have a "few" for tomorrow a.m. at $99 (the Blue) and will be available on line at their site...
  2. Is there one on-line less than $99.99?
  3. we have the 42" Samsung Plasma and love it....(wish I had got it for that price!!!) Have the Samsund DVD (HD) and don't like it...Doesn't work!!!
  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I ordered and got free shipping too....
  5. oops...I should have waited. The 880 cost me $122 today..(no shipping) Thank you!!
  6. I appreciate that. I wondered about the 700...You aren't concerned about "rip off" logitechs on e bay then. I didn't want to pay that much and that not have it guaranteed. Thank you again!!
  7. thanks, that helps a lot...
  8. I'm looking for a remote for our HD/DVR/Cable for my husband. Does anyone know of a good deal or a particular model I should be looking for?...I am "fairly computer" literate,but wonder if I should pay to have it programmed. Thank you for any help you can give me.:) :)
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