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Everything posted by amyandkids

  1. I couldn't get it to load with IE but when I opened it in Firefox I had no problem.
  2. I just got back from Target, bought 2 of the portable RCA DVD players and was told by 2 associates that they would PA on BF! I'm so happy I don't have to stand in line!
  3. Thank Tara, I ended up ordering one. I am worried I may not get the Phillips one at WM on BF so this way I don't HAVE to get it but if I do then I can just return this one. Either way I got a good deal! :)
  4. Does anyone know what the regular price is?
  5. Awesome, I was wanting to get my boys a pair of crocs for next summer and was thinking I would have to settle for generic ones.
  6. That totally stinks! I hope it was sent in a different box and you will still get it!
  7. I got one of my orders last week, paid $25 for $40 worth of cards. The other order was canceled and I called to find out why and was told because the discount couldn't be used on gc, blah, blah. I asked why I got an order of the cards and why others were getting them too and she said that they couldn't help that some got through before being canceled. I told her how many others I knew had their orders reinstated after being canceled because they were fur members and she said that I wasn't. I told her that I was but I couldn't put the order under my member # because my dd had the card in her purse and I didn't know where it was. She looked me up and reinstated my order. Anyway, sorry for rambling but I just got confirmation that my order shipped today so I will have both of mine!
  8. I didn't know if they were going to be hard to come by this year or not so I snagged one on Amazon a few weeks back. They actually had them available for a good week before they sold out. No tax and free shipping was awesome and the extra bonus was that I didn't even have to leave my house!
  9. Too bad we don't have $90 extra laying around.
  10. Are Wiis still low on stock for this Christmas? I didn't know if they would be or not so about 3 weeks ago I snagged one on Amazon with no tax and no shipping. I'm glad I did, even if they aren't short supply I still got a way better deal and didn't even have to leave my home.
  11. That is a great deal, I may have to call and see if my Walgreens has them for that price.
  12. I was just at my Limited Too today and got 5 Webkinz for only $43, ended up being $8.25 each!
  13. If it's any consolation to you I bought a couple of those pairs of pjs on BF, one of the reasons I went to WM. I ended up returning them because they were soooooo thin, not much thicker than paper really. They weren't even worth $4, I figure they wouldn't even make it through more than 1 washing.
  14. I got my Touchmaster (for the $4.95 price) yesterday, took 2 days to get here.
  15. I got myself some DS games, Cooking Mama and Touchmaster. I also got 2 guitars (Amazon had them for $6.95 each this past weekend) for GH but haven't bought GH just yet but I plan to. My kids are too young for that but I figured it would be cool for myself and dh. I also got way too many "family" games to go with the Wii that they are also getting for Christmas. My niece got one last year for Christmas and the only game she has is Wii Play. Kinda sad that I've had a Wii (sitting in my closet mind you) for about 2 weeks and I already have like 6 or 7 games for it. I am just a tiny bit addicted to buying Wii games!
  16. I bought it for myself also, along with a few other games I bought in the last few days.
  17. That's great to know, thanks!
  18. This past weekend Amazon had an amazing deal on Frontman wireless guitars, the yellow one was $6.95 so I snagged two of them.
  19. Is there a bundle with 2 mats? If not, then you have to buy this one to get the game and a mat anyway. Definitely not a reason to pass it up IMO.
  20. Bakugan What exactly are these things anyway? I was curious and looked them up and I still don't get them. I suppose trying to figure out what they were by a picture was pretty impossible. I read the description and I somewhat understand but I have never even heard of them before now, even with 2 kids in school.
  21. I don't know, Amazon had Mario and Sonic on sale the other day for only $29.99. I got 2 wireless Wii guitars on Amazon for only $13.90 TOTAL the other day and the GH games have been going on and off sale too.
  22. Thanks for the reply! I'm glad to know that I went with the TomTom, my sister thought it sounded like the better deal too.
  23. Oh good, according to that link our store is still open and doesn't even say closing soon. I should head over there tomorrow and check it out.
  24. I just ordered this yesterday and it already came TODAY! Thank you OP!
  25. In the Amazon search bar do a search for Amazon Prime free trial and you can do it through there.
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