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Everything posted by RossMAN

  1. I'm hoping so. If another 40% off or something similiar comes around, I just might buy one or a dozen
  2. Just thought of another one, FREE TIVO Best Buy B&M had them for $99 - $100 rebate = FREE :) Yes there is still a monthly or lifetime fee but you cannot beat a FREE TIVO!!!
  3. Also if I receive any Dell Small Business (15 - 25%) coupons in the next few weeks, they're yours :) Dell Home Office Dell Small Business
  4. Dell 40% off desktop + 2 2001FP LCD's = $1499 Dell $750 off $1499 laptop and several others
  5. Just curious, what's so great about the new Dyson DC14 models? Thanks for posting this :)
  6. So far $70 AR is the best price I have seen, I'd say go for it.
  7. Hi Scott, How much is the Staples rebate for? I found a $10 Linksys rebate.
  8. Fry's Electronics has several new and refurb CRT's within that price range.
  9. Don't show this to the wife!
  10. Good luck and of course we will expect pics of your "new" ride!
  11. No problem, happy to help. So gimme all the details year, make, model and are you getting a good deal? What's gonna happen to your Sentra? :)
  12. Rebecca, what stores do you usually visit for after Christmas sales?
  13. Possible free CarFax report, let me know if it works http://www.nationallemonlawcenter.com/oregon/index.htm
  14. I'm not aware of any current free CarFax promos but I did find a discount. Go to CarFax.com use promo code 301 for 25% off or promo code 401 for $11.99 one time report or $16.99 unlimited
  15. Cindy, I did something similiar at a retail Eddie Bauer store last September. We got some amazing deals on summer clearance clothes. One of my favorites was an Eddie Bauer windbreaker jacket for $9.99 (retail $39.99). Next year I have to remember to visit Eddie Bauer around September, if they're still in business.
  16. Hi Amy, I think it varies between stores and what inventory they have. In my experience it's 2 weeks after Christmas.
  17. Our family has always been loyal to Sears and the Kenmore brand.
  18. Bad news two of the 7 Elevens I visited this weekend were OUT of these. I'm going to try a few others and will keep you informed.
  19. That's probably a good idea but what about our entertainment and fun with torturing spammers? Think of the children :)
  20. tsk tsk, got your PM and replied to it. It feels great supporting our troops :)
  21. Did you send another PM, other than the address?
  22. Just called a local 7 Eleven, they are $2.99 each.
  23. PM received. We might be able to ship this out tomorrow (along with some of our rebate forms). Does anyone know how much these cost?
  24. Consider it done. Please PM me your complete mailing address.
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