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Posts posted by mrstoots

  1. I don't smoke so I can't relate to your problem but I do think it would only be right to allow people standing in line all that time to use the bathroom. JMO


    But anyone going to the Wally World I usually go to isn't going to have that problem because per management they are not opening at midnight at my Walmart, they are opening at 5:00 a.m. like they always have. This is per THREE different managers. I have checked and double checked and that is the word at my store...

  2. I'm kind of wondernig about Walmarts being open on Turkey Day in MA because of the Blue Laws that we have. Stores are not open on Thanksgiving in MA. I've always hated the fact that I can't go to KMart for their Thanksgiving day sale because the store is not open. I know at my local Walmart I saw their holiday hours posted and for Thanksgiving it said they were closed. Of course it did not say anything about their BF hours so I wonder if they will open (legally) at midnight.
  3. I had no problems at my Walmart. Everything checked out okay, but thanks for the heads up!


    I did, however, feel bad for the poor, distraught-looking lady who approached me at 6:00 a.m. (an hour after the store had been opened) and asked where she could find the Playdoh canister that was in my cart! I told her if there still weren't any in the middle aisle, they were all gone (which of course they were).


    What I REALLY felt like telling her was "Lady, this was the first thing I grabbed at 5:00. These things are going for $10.00. Do you REALLY think there are going to be any left an HOUR later?":rolleyes:


    There were plenty of Rubbermaid items left at that hour, but no toys!


    However, I did discover there were some left over BF items at another Walmart (for the BF price--the $4.00 fleece kid tops, the $10.00 stuffed Mickey and Minnie dolls and lo and behold--several Playdoh tins, still selling for $10.00!


    Ah, Black Friday...it's come and gone...can hardly wait to do it again next year! lol!:cheesy:

  4. I actually KNOW someone who did this kind of thing and literally got BANNED from Walmart FOR LIFE! Seriously, they even had his picture displayed at the front of the store for all to see. It even made the local paper. But we live in a very small area and not much happens here so, as you could imagine, that was the highlight of our news for that week!


    What happened was the dummy was going around stashing items here and there and as he was doing that, he was being followed around by the security guy! These weren't even big ticket items he was hiding...we're talking DVDs and even some items that weren't going to be on sale on BF! lol!:D


    Part of the thrill of BF is milling about with everyone else, I've met some interesting people standing in line at WM at 4:30 in the morning! Getting the deal (or at least trying in some cases) and just having a good time. If we all hid things, that would take most of the fun out of it! :) There's no better way to kick off the holiday season!


    Hail Black Friday! :holiday16

  5. I went to one of my local Walmarts tonight to do my weekly shopping (I say "one" of my local Walmarts because there are FOUR Walmarts in either direction within a 25 mile radius from my house!).


    For kicks I thought I'd seek out some of the BF items, in particular the Rubbermaid set. In Home Goods I found the set but it was for a 40 piece set. As I turned back into the main aisle I saw the display of the 24 piece set all stacked up and currently selling for $10.88. Going through the toy section I saw TONS of boxes all stacked up in the middle of the aisles and in electronics two guys were setting out boxes that looked big enough to hold either TVs or computers. I didn't really pay too much attention to the boxes themselves but found it interesting none the less that they seemed to be setting up shop so early before BF. It was pretty obvious these boxes were BF items. They don't normally have all these items sitting in the center of their aisles like that. At least not at this Walmart


    Bring it on!:yup:

  6. Hm...you have a point dbaby4ever. I think it's funny that a company like Walmart got so up in arms over their BF ad being posted here, yet they didn't seem to hesitate to leak some of the items they plan to have on sale to CNN...interesting...just goes to show you how much GD rates with Walmart! lol!:) Nice to see GD got a mention in the article, however ;)
  7. This one happened in 1998. It was the first (and last) time my husband ever went BF shopping with me.


    My mother had passed away that August leaving behind my three much younger sisters (they were only teen-agers). They had been wanting a computer and never had one. My husband and I decided with all the crap that they'd been through that we would get them one. Naturally good ol' Wally World had one on sale. It was one of those HP models, I believe.


    So there we stood at 4:30 in the morning in the freezing cold with a mass of other people waiting for the store to open. We didn't have to worry about a run on the computers from these people. No, these fools were in line for one thing and one thing only--the much coveted FURBY!


    That's all everyone in line was talking about: "Furby this" and "Furby that". So when the doors opened and everyone began to move, my husband decided he was going to go ahead of me to get in and get his hands on one of the computers, "just in case".


    I didn't get to see it, and wish I had to enjoy the laugh, but as my husband entered the store, he witnessed a Walmart employee standing on a table in the snack bar area, Santa hat on his head, megaphone in hand shouting, "FURBYS ARE GONE!".


    At this point my poor husband turned into a fish trying to swim upstream against a school of fish swimming the other way. People pushed and shoved him just to get back out the door to leave. The one item they had come to purchase was gone. My husband said, "I've never seen a Walmart clear out so quickly in my life!":eyepoppin

  8. I got my book on Wednesday. On the back it says in very small print: Event dates Sunday, November 9 through Sunday, November 30, 2008. Well, I guess my local Wally World is ahead of the game by a few days. I went there tonight to do my weekly shopping and for kicks stopped by the toy aisle just to check out a few things I was interested in buying on Sunday.


    Lo and behold, they had the items I was looking for on the shelves, with the Kids Holiday Book tag below the item and the sale price. Now the most ODD and BEST thing was that as I stood there looking at Candyland and Chutes and Ladders, I remembered that in the book they listed them selling for $6.00 each (normally $6.68-$8.97). HOWEVER, these two games were not marked for $6.00--they were marked for $5.00!:) Hey, I wasn't complaining! Grabbed both of them and moved on to find the other two items I was looking for--Poop n' Scoop Barbie and the Ice Cream Playdoh factory. Found Poop n' Scoop at the price indicated in the book--$10.00 but no Ice Cream. In fact this Wally World had very little on the shelf as far as Playdoh went. So I will check out another Wally World.


    So these prices are in effect RIGHT NOW--you don't have to wait until Sunday!:D

  9. Well, my BF memories start back in my teen years when my mother, my sister (a year younger than me) and myself would trek off to the stores searching for bargains for my three much younger sisters (they are 12 and 13 years younger than me). This was during the 80's, right in the heart of the Cabbage Patch craze. I don't recall ever buying them any CP dolls but some things I do remember getting them: Pound Puppies, Rainbow Brite dolls, one of my sisters was really into the Ninja Turtles, one of my sisters had an Alf doll and slippers!


    One fond memory was going to a Hallmark store with my mother on BF and seeing this really cute Santa pin. Santa sits on a snowball and has googly eyes. When you pull the candy cane string, Santa and the snowball roll around and around. I kept playing with it in the store and when we got out to the car, my mother handed a bag to me. Inside was the pin. I still have this pin today and it still works. I wear it every holiday season.


    Another thing that stands out in my mind with BF with my mother was always having lunch at Friendly's.


    My mother's been deceased nine years but my sisters and I (yes, the other ones are old enough to participate now!) carry on the tradition. The only thing that has changed is eating at Friendly's--I think we kind of grew tired of their food!


    One final memory is a BF shopping excursion with my husband. It was in 1998, just a few months after my mother passed away. We had decided to get my sisters a computer and Walmart had them on sale, of course. Well, this was also the year of the FURBY! So we're standing in line at Walmart, it's five in the morning, it's cold, and just about everyone in line wants a Furby. My husband and I are laughing to each other because all we're there for is to buy some videotapes and of course the computer.


    The line moves. My husband decides to charge ahead of me, saying he'll go grab the computer and I can get the videotapes. He told me that as soon as he entered the store, a Walmart employee jumped on to a table located in the little eatery they have and hollered "FURBIES ARE GONE!". :eyepoppin You'd think the world had just ended because before he knew it he was being pushed and shoved, he witnessed a fistfight between two women and he couldn't get the hell out of there fast enough!


    That was the last time my husband ever stepped foot into a store on BF! lol!:)

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