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Everything posted by Julie=6

  1. Bras panties and sleepwear 75% off. 75cent undies, sexy type, my husband loves those on me but I never want to spend the money...lol!
  2. Brad warned us about venting at people or places. This forum is just to list deals, not judgment. Just a thought:g_think:
  3. Thank you. He has very narrow feet. I am going to try the 12-18 month. This sounds perfect for him. Sounds like the return policy is good. Has anyone tried to return shoes? This is my first order. This is a great deal:yup:
  4. My son is an infant size 5. What size should I order? I can't seem to find the Robeez in the stores. Thanks:)
  5. Did they mark women's clothing down? I need some work clothes and have been waiting for them to go lower. Thanks:)
  6. Thanks! I have never heard of the gymbucks. When does the big winter sale take place. Should I be looking for it now, or is it in Feb. or March??:)
  7. My special needs child needs specific clothing, and I have had good luck with Gymboree. Only problem is that it is REALLY expensive. Any way my son could get clothing cheaper from them? Good times to get sales, things like that. He is very small for his age, and Gymboree clothing has a much better fit for him. Help!
  8. Christmas stuff was so picked over, not a thing I wanted to bring home. Last year was so much fun, I am bumed:(
  9. Thank you! I am able to pick up at the store:yup:
  10. Any coupons? I had a 5 dollar off 25 but can't find it. Thanks:)
  11. I had a horrible time at TRU this year. Toys were disorganized and the store has gotten dirty, dusty. No customer service.
  12. Could someone explain this to me? How does it work, and do you have to give them all sorts of your info?
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