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  1. Just got back from JCP and I can't believe all the clothes. Wonder why the store is saturated with clothes? The buyers must have over-bought this year. Guess with gas prices people did not buy as much. How low could the clothing go?? Still lots of stuff for them to get rid of.
  2. I was going to go today, but it is a long way from my house. Thanks for the input!:)
  3. 75% off patio, but it was one big empty space..so sad:no: I did use my OM coupons, Gerber coupons and Pamper coupons. Found boys jeans and an infant car seat 50% off.
  4. Wow, thanks! I forgot about the coupon.
  5. Anyone know when the men's Father's day stuff will go 75%? It has been 50% for a while now. Which day does mens get marked down?? Thanks:)
  6. Thank you!! I am going tomorrow:g_dance:
  7. coupon says no printed copies of coupon. Did you have any trouble using it?
  8. I LOVE the on-line coupons! I saved SO much money!!
  9. Anyone know when the 4th of July stuff will be 75%? Our store had lots of t-shirts left, took a chance to see if they will stick around,:)
  10. Wow, thanks! Can we use more than one code??
  11. Thanks for the tip!!
  12. New York and Co. has the 5.99 sale going on. I bought 5 skirts. I love that store!
  13. Code did not work for me:no:
  14. I know what you mean. I really like the tankini, too:( . I plan on sending it back. I bet they get a lot of returns on the swimsuits
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