This is a great idea! Wish I would have had it when my boys were small! Will use it on my grandkids now!
A few years ago, I started using a "system" to buy Christmas gifts for my kids. I started it because as our family grew, I didn't want to deal with a carnival Christmas with mountains of gifts. When the economy first started to tank, it was great to have this in place because I've never had to cut back on the amount of gifts, just adjust my spending accordingly. For Christmas each year my kids get:
PJ's on Christmas Eve
something they want
something they need
something to wear
something to read (sometimes I fudge this one and do a puzzle or a board game instead)
1 gift from Santa, and Santa fills their stockings
They know exactly what to expect, and I don't get overwhelmed trying to buy for them. It's what works for our family.