OK new here and I have been reading alot but I just decided to post after talking with my mom this morning.
She is a stocker for Wal-mart and they were told a few interesting things last night at her meeting. BTW its in southwestern Virginia. So they were told that there would be new items on Black Friday as we all knew. Usually by now they have alot of their blitz items in the store. She says they do have quite abit but they were told to expect 1 truck with the bulk of the blitz items on it later on.Maybe our mystery items!
Also normally everybody is expected to work Thanksgiving night to prepare and then GUARD the pallets that they put out. However this year they only have 11 people working as opposed to the normally 35-45. She says they will probaly close for a few hours that night.
I showed her the ad that is scanned here and everything that she could remember that they had unloaded looked right as far as the prices. Especially in Toys, she has 10 grandkids so she tends to really watch those things.
One more exciting piece is that I got one of the laptops that they had a couple of weeks ago. When we were looking at the ad she asked if the laptop that was in there was the same one I was able to get or if it was a better deal because I could still take that one back if so. So I was like I don't think there is a laptop. So I look and guess what? No laptop. So I told her do you mean desktop and she was like no there should be a desktop and a laptop for blitz. So I asked her if she unloaded it and she said no but a friend of hers in Electronics knew I wanted two but you could only get 1 last time and she asked mom if I was going to be back inline for another one.!!!!!!!!! So hopefully one of their secret items will be another laptop.
Anyway that is my bit of gossip for the day. She said she will call tomorrow and update me about the meeting tonight.
Heather in VA