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Posts posted by lbass

  1. NKy Weather, you just never know.


    My DD was born early 10/97, when we brought her home a couple days later it was 86 degrees. My husband came back up to our room and started stripping her. LOL I had her bundled up like there was 10 feet of snow on the ground. (of course with her being our first baby, i had that bag packed in july thinking it would be cold in october)


    now here we are 12 years later same time of month and it is freezing outside!! Some years its rainy, some hot, some freezing. Its hard to prepare. :)

  2. Our walmart is 24hr. so no camping. Hope the ad is worth going for this year. I bring big enough purse to strap across me to hold:




    walkie talkie

    ads (this year on index cards, thx!)

    (may bring full ads folded up for price matching situation)



    WooHoo here we come!

  3. I really like your index card trick! I spend every Thanksgiving afternoon/evening sitting on the floor with all of my ads, a notebook, and a pen and write down the stores I'm going to and in what order but then I always have to take the ads with me and sort through them which can be frustrating! I'm going to try your idea this year!

    Awesome idea!! will definately impliment this strategy. This is the one day per year that my husband knows even though he's the retired army man, that I am the Drill Sargeant and don't question my commands!! :) LOL

  4. Generally rude people....and people who bring kids in strollers! This is a competitive sport, people......why would you bring the babies? Somebody could get hurt! Leave them in the bed with daddy!:tongue1:


    this is absolutely my biggest pet peeve. it is entirely too dangerous to have these little ones in strollers in this mess. then i love it when they make comments about how everyone is being so rude to them, can't they see we have our baby with us?!?!?


    the nerve............

  5. Hi, I'm Laurie. Mom of two with a Great Hubby. We're in NKy. My friends think i'm crazy with my Black Friday obsession. My husband laughs at my maps and lists and how i direct my friends and family where to be in the stores and have everyone in position hours before shopping starts. This is the one area in my life that i become completely organized. I will have it down before we leave the house. A friend thought I was teasing about how we do it until she went with me. Not sure if she's going to go w/me this year..................
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