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Everything posted by macfan88

  1. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6023674/amazonorder.png amazon was in a pricing battle with best buy in the wee hours of the morning last night and offered the 340TM for $99.99. i noticed that when I woke up in the morning, the price went up by $20.
  2. thanks to bestbuy's stunting around with the deals last night, i ended up having enough time to look at the reviews for the GPS unit that i wanted to get. apparently...the TomTom XL 340TM was a better performer (harder menu system, but you can do a million things) and Amazon was selling it for $99 for the night only. Because i had 5 hours on my hands before i gave up on bestbuy and went to bed, I ended up doing more research and buying a different model from a different company. bestbuy should take note!
  3. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6023674/Photo%20Nov%2025%2C%204%2001%2017%20AM.jpg sighhhhh
  4. That came out a bit unclear. What I mean to say was, If the site says out of stock, does it mean it's out of stock for online order & in-store pickup, or out of stock for in-store purchasing too?
  5. I'm looking to buy the USB HDTV Tuner in person and it says out of stock for the store. Would this mean that it's entirely out of stock? It would seem to me that it should be in stock since there are already people waiting outside in lines who would want this product and with Black Friday being the busiest shopping day of the year, they could easily sell a bunch of those..
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