Well this was my first BF trip as well and I have to say it went smoothly, but next time im getitng more people to go with me lol.
I had palnned out that I would wait at CompUSA for it to open then run over to office max before it opened an hour later at 7, boy was i wrong.
I got at CompUSA at 4:15am and was third in line. things started to really pick up around 5 when the line stretched to nearly 70 people. But it could have been alot worse. Luckily Bestbuy is really close the compusa here, so alot of people went to BB instead of compusa, i heard there was a line of about 300 people by 5:30 lol, i feel sorry for them since it was so cold.
Anyway, they handed out vouchers for the laptops, which i wasnt after, and the 60gb hard drives for $30 which i wanted lots of lol. i got in, got my hard drives, blank dvds and a bunch of blank cd-rs then waited in line for 30 minutes wihtout much trouble. everyone was nice enough about things, not much pushing or shoving that I saw, but before the doors opened, there was some poepel trying to inch up in line lol, but I was firm in my place! lol.
I wasnt able to make it over to office max till 7:30 and it was a zoo, lines for check out were back into the store. Luckily, they were keeping most of the stuff I wanted behind the cutomer service counter, so I went up and got one fo the 200gb hard drives for $50, the 16x dvd burner for $40, and the 100 cd-rs for $0 lol It took another 45 minutes to wait in line though. They didnt have the Wireless G router I wanted, but to my suprise, Officemax gave me a rain check for it at the same price, so I was happy with that. Plus, I have to say the people at officemax were very nice and helpful.
All in all, Im happy with what i got, i got almost everyhting I wanted. It took alot longer then i thought it would, so next year ill change my planning some, especially to rope in helpers lol. I wanted to hit staples, but there just wasnt time, so i did miss out on some of the things there.